
Guia de estudo: como combater a evasão escolar?

Brazilian education has been experiencing the problem of school dropout for a long time. According to the United Nations Children’s Fund, in a study carried out for this institution in 2022, it was found that two million individuals between the ages of 11 and 19 left school and had not yet complet...

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Autor principal: Silva, Romilson Alves da
Outros Autores: Anic, Cinara Calvi
Grau: Outro
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Brasil 2024
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ifam.edu.br/jspui/handle/4321/1435
Brazilian education has been experiencing the problem of school dropout for a long time. According to the United Nations Children’s Fund, in a study carried out for this institution in 2022, it was found that two million individuals between the ages of 11 and 19 left school and had not yet completed basic education (UNICEF, 2022). There are several reasons that led these students to drop out, such as lack of identification with the course, family problems, among others. One of the difficulties faced in minimizing this problem is the lack of consensus on the concept of evasion, which challenges the development of effective public policies aimed at this issue. The Guide presented here was born from a master’s degree research carried out in a public school in Itaituba-PA with managers, teachers and students who dropped out of Integrated to Technical High School course. The research showed that there are no effective actions on the art of government spheres to combat evasion, although there are some specific initiatives. Given this context, we created this Study Guide to guide school managers, pedagogues and teachers towards actions that contribute to minimizing dropouts in Secondary Technical Professional Education. Highlighted are actions related to school management, alternatives to expand partnerships between the school and other institutions, such as Education Departments and private companies, as well as suggestions for teachers regarding teaching work, welcoming students and the school itself. school-family articulation. We hope that this Guide can effectively contribute so that the school community as a whole can strengthen the bond with families and students themselves so that, together, they can envision possibilities to keep students in school, especially in the context of technical professional education. middle level.