Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso

O uso do jogo didático no ensino de química para alunos do ensino médio de uma escola pública: cartas da tabela periódica

The great lack of interest of students in teaching chemistry, especially with the use of the periodic table, is related to the traditionalism of expository classes, taught in the classroom, making them monotonous, both for the students and the teachers who teach these classes. From this observation,...

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Autor principal: Fonseca, Harley Pereira da
Grau: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Brasil 2024
Acesso em linha:
The great lack of interest of students in teaching chemistry, especially with the use of the periodic table, is related to the traditionalism of expository classes, taught in the classroom, making them monotonous, both for the students and the teachers who teach these classes. From this observation, the need for innovation in these classes arose, with the aid of the didactic games tool, called the periodic table card game. This game tries to develop better learning and facilitate the recognition and identification of chemical elements, along with their physical and chemical characteristics. This work aims to create a didactic game, to assist teachers and students in teaching chemistry, facilitating the understanding of the contents covered in the classroom, more specifically chemical elements of the periodic table. The content was approached in a public school, with students from the 1st year of high school EJA (Youth and Adult Education), located in the neighborhood of Nova Cidade Manaus AM., Using a diagnostic questionnaire to collect data before applying the game and an evaluative questionnaire after the application of the game, for students and the teacher, in order to verify what contributions this tool would have in the teaching-learning process of this content. Theoretical classes were also used, in addition to a different methodology with the use of educational games. Classroom research was also carried out, looking for examples of the chemical elements in the students' daily lives, always adopting a technical and innovative language, with textbook activities and exercises. The results obtained were very satisfactory, as it is possible to observe through the graphs made in this work, the change of thought and concept about the periodic table, with the use of didactic games in the teaching of chemistry. It is concluded that the research, reached its objectives, contributing significantly to a better performance in the identification and memorization of the chemical elements of the periodic table, demonstrating that the use of didactic games is another auxiliary tool in teaching.