
Formação profissional: os sentidos que emergem das histórias de vida de discentes do PROEJA

The present study, linked to the line of research Educational Practices in Professional and Technological Education, aimed to investigate the meanings of professional education that emerge from the Life Stories of students of the National Program for the Integration of Professional Education with...

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Autor principal: Oliveira, Jordane Lima Dias
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Brasil 2020
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ifam.edu.br/jspui/handle/4321/448
The present study, linked to the line of research Educational Practices in Professional and Technological Education, aimed to investigate the meanings of professional education that emerge from the Life Stories of students of the National Program for the Integration of Professional Education with Basic Education in Education Modality Youth and Adults (PROEJA), as the basis for a training proposal. The research-formation with Life History guided the methodological path, organized in four phases, based on Josso (2010), renamed as: Introduction to the Construction of Life History; The “Walk for You” as a Proposal for Reflection on the Trajectory of Life and Professional Training; What does my Life Story reveal about my education ?; and Balance of the training process. Fourteen students from the PROEJA Integrated Technical Course in Aquaculture from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará, Campus Tucuruí, participated in the research. The group narrative interview was used as the source for the construction of the data, and the field notes, audio and video recordings and textual production of the Life Story of the fourteen participants were used as instruments. Data analysis took place under the guidance of the Interpretative-Comprehensive Analysis, proposed by Souza (2006), in three stages: Pre-analysis and Cross-reading; Thematic reading; Interpretive-comprehensive reading. Three categories emerged from the analysis: 1) Memories about childhood; 2) Exodus, educational perspectives and youth and 3) Professional training: life change, personal / professional fulfillment and life projects. From this, the meanings given to professional training in the Technical Course in Aquaculture emerged and the contributions of reflection provided by Life History to the training of participants, namely: professional training assuming meanings of lifechanging perspectives by returning to studies in the technical course; personal fulfillment, as a dream come true, studying at IFPA; professional achievement; and professional improvement. As contributions to professional training, Life History offered participants opportunities to become aware of their own training; skill discoveries; relational learning and change in the vision of themselves and others. The research resulted in the educational product: Life History and Professional Training at PROEJA: a formative proposal, organized in three parts: Part I, Learning from living: Life History as self-formation; Part II, Training with Life History at PROEJA: Work scripts; Part III, Life Story of PROEJA students: formative possibilities. The product, upon evaluation by a committee composed of five (5) education professionals, all with experience in PROEJA classes, received a favorable opinion, being validated in its objective of collaborating with the professional training of PROEJA students, through work reflective provided by the History of Life, contributing with innovative educational practices in the institutions of the Federal Professional Education Network.