
Os desafios frente ao atendimento educacional especializado remoto para alunos com surdez em tempo de pandemia no centro Raimundo Nonato Dias Rodrigues

Since the schools adopted classes by remote means as a measure of coping with COVID-19, which changes happened in the educational environment, one of them was the practice of educators who attend students with deafness, because this new teaching method requires necessary actions for its effectivenes...

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Autor principal: SANTOS, Rosana Souza dos
Grau: Artigo
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Instituto Federal do Amapá 2021
Acesso em linha:
Since the schools adopted classes by remote means as a measure of coping with COVID-19, which changes happened in the educational environment, one of them was the practice of educators who attend students with deafness, because this new teaching method requires necessary actions for its effectiveness, with a view to these executions, the objective of this work is to analyze how remote specialized educational assistance for students with deafness at the Raimundo Nonato Dias Rodrigues center takes place in the context of the pandemic. This article was developed primarily from bibliographic research between 8/20 to 12/20, using sources such as: books, articles, magazines, websites and others that discuss the theme, where, among sources and authors, they stand out se: brasil (2010; 2014), lei 13.146 / 2015, lei 10.436 / 02, libâneo (1991), ldb (9394/96), gatti (2015), skliar (1997), pinto (2004), almeida (2000; 2007), among others, the work has a qualitative approach and was developed through the application of a questionnaire with open and closed questions. The results obtained show that remote education prevents the teacher from accurately executing the student's assessment in school processes.