
Hematologia e bioquímica sanguínea do peixe-boi da amazônia trichechus inunguis (natterer, 1883)

The Amazonian manatee is an aquatic mammal of the Amazon belonging to the order Sirenia, found in freshwater rivers of the Amazon basin, from Ilha do Marajó to the headwaters of rivers in Colombia, Peru and Ecuador. The species was intensivelly hunted since the sixteenth century and is currently thr...

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Autor principal: Carmo, Talita Laurie Lustosa do
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia - INPA 2020
Acesso em linha: https://repositorio.inpa.gov.br/handle/1/11286
The Amazonian manatee is an aquatic mammal of the Amazon belonging to the order Sirenia, found in freshwater rivers of the Amazon basin, from Ilha do Marajó to the headwaters of rivers in Colombia, Peru and Ecuador. The species was intensivelly hunted since the sixteenth century and is currently threatened of extinction. In the 70's were started at the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia (INPA) studies with this species in captivity. Thus, a need for greater knowledge of their physiological characteristics emerged, for an adequate management aiming the maintainance of these animals‟ health. These parameters are influenced by physiological, environmental variations that the animal is submitted to and are specific for each species. They furnish essential information about the health status of animals and are an important tool for its management. The purpose of this study were to complement the knowledge of blood parameters of Amazonian Manatee (Trichechus inunguis) in captivity and to check if there are differences in these parameters according to age, sex, lactation and milk diet consumed by calves. Blood samples from 84 captive animals were taken at the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, 43 females (16 calves, 18 juveniles and 9 adults) and 41 males (13 calves, 15 juveniles and 13 adults) between 1993 and 2008. These samples were analyzed at the Fundação de Hematologia e Hemoterapia do Estado do Amazonas (Hemoam). Variations were found among age groups for total red blood cells, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit, white blood cells, neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes, mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin. As for the biochemistry parameters, serum levels of phosphorus, creatinine, globulin, alkaline phosphatase, total lipids, cholesterol and total bilirubin changed with age too. This variation probably resulted from the modifications that the organism of the animal undergoes during the process of growth and development, such as the formation of bones and the immune system. Between sexes, differences were observed in mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, hemoglobin concentration, total eosinophils of juveniles male, red blood cells, serum levels of alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase and bilirubin. These differences probably were caused by hormonal influences or due to sexual maturation. The type of nourishment affects the concentration of mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, platelets, urea, gamma glutamyl transpeptidase, iron, cholesterol, triglycerides, lactate dehydrogenase and bilirubin. This is a probable evidence of differences in assimilation of protein, mineral and lipid contents of the diets offered. Lactation in females influence serum levels of triglycerides and bilirubin, possibly due to the participation of these compounds in milk production by the organism. Only manatees considered healthy were used in this study, and samples of different individuals were analysed during the long period of 16 years. Many of these animals were followed in different development phases by blood analysis. Therefore, the data shows robustness and can be used as reference values for the Amazonian manatee.