
Sistemática de Callibaetis Eaton e gêneros relacionados (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae)

Over the last 50 year, the Neotropical realm, especially the South America, has been the subject of a lot of studies on the family Baetidae. This remarkable number of publications brought to light a great number species and generated doubts about the generic concepts. In the center of this discus...

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Autor principal: Cruz, Paulo Vilela
Grau: Tese
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia - INPA 2020
Acesso em linha: https://repositorio.inpa.gov.br/handle/1/12304
Over the last 50 year, the Neotropical realm, especially the South America, has been the subject of a lot of studies on the family Baetidae. This remarkable number of publications brought to light a great number species and generated doubts about the generic concepts. In the center of this discussion are Callibaetis, Paracloeodes, Rivudiva and Varipes, a set of genera belonging to an monophyletic called node C in the last phylogenetic reconstruction of the Baetidae. Aside the doubts of generic delimitation, the genera Callibaetis and Paracloeodes are taxonomic problematic. Callibaetis has the most of its species described by Longinos Navás, all incomplete and the locations of type-specimens were often inaccurate. The Paracloeodes species are morphologically similar and some were poorly described, making the color a very important characteristic to species identification. In order to clarify the problems above cited were made: (i) the phylogenetic analysis of clade C; (ii) the phylogenetic analysis of Callibaetis and Paracloeodes; and (iii) the South American species review of Callibaetis and Paracloeodes. The results of chapter 1 corroborated: (i) almost all genera are monophyletic, except for Paracloeodes and Varipes which become monophyletic without Paracloeodes caldensis + Varipes singuil, a well-supported clade. Given that, a new genus is proposed Rhopscelis gen. nov. Additionally, our results corroborates: (i) the long setae on femora as synapomorphy of clade that Rivudiva and Varipes belong and their consequentially close relationship; and (ii) the spine on subgenital plate as convergence between Paracloeodes and Rivudiva. The chapter 2 had as results: (i) Callibaetoides was recovered as the sister group of Callibaetis; (ii) Callibaetis as monophyletic; (iii) four groups of species, treated here as new genera, Callibaetis (Callibaetis), Callibaetis (Abaetetuba) n. subgen., Callibaetis (Aiso) n. subgen. and Callibaetis (Cunhaporanga) n. subgen.; (iv) the groups proposed by Check and Gillies as parafiletics; (v) new diagnoses were made to genus and species; (vi) four new species were described (C. (Cu.) acdc sp. nov., C. (Ai.) catarinensis sp. nov., C.(Ab.) cochlea sp. nov. e C. (Ca.) molinerii sp. nov.); (vii) the nymph of C. (Ab.) fasciatus was described; (viii) the morphology of an unnamed species was described, C. (?) sp. A; (ix) the nymph of C. (Ca.) radiatus was redescribed; (x) the female imago of C. (?) camposi and the male imago of de C. (?) jaffueli were redescribed; (xi) C. (?) jaffueli, C. (?) stictogaster e C. (Ab.) gloriosus received new status; (xii) C. (Ca.) fluminensis was proposed as junior synonymous of C. (Ca.) zonalis; and (xiii) C. (?) gregarius and C. (?) nigrivenosus were proposed as nomen dubia. The chapter 3 had as results: (i) Paracloeodes as monophyletic; (ii) Paracloeodes is divised in two groups, proposed here as new subgenera: Paracloeodes (Paracloeodes) and Paracloeodes (Paua) n. subgen.; (iii) sevem male imagos (P. (Pau.) atroari, P. (Pau.) binodulus, P. (Pau.) ibicui, P. (Par.) pacawara, P. (Pau.) peri, P. (Pau.) prismatobranchus sp. nov. and P. (Pau.) waimiri) and three new species (P. (Pau.) aristotelesi sp. nov., P. (Pau.) carolinae sp. nov. e P. (Pau.) prismatobranchus sp. nov.) were described; (iv) P. (Pau.) ibicui, P. (Pau.) leptobranchus and P. (Pau.) eurybranchus were redescribed; and (v) P. morellii was proposed as junior synonymous of P. (Par.) pacawara.