
Discriminação de Etnovariedades de cubiu (Solatmm sessiliflonim Dunal, Solanaceae) da Amazônia, com base em suas Características Mortblògicas e Quimicas

The cubiu {Solanum sessilifloriim Dunal)is one ofthe most important native genetic resources of Amazônia which was totally domesticated by South American indians. To determine qualitative and quantitative characters, discriminate ethnovarieties (ETNs), facilitate in situ and ex situ conservation an...

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Autor principal: Silva Filho , Danilo Fernandes da
Grau: Tese
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia - INPA 2020
Acesso em linha: https://repositorio.inpa.gov.br/handle/1/12855
The cubiu {Solanum sessilifloriim Dunal)is one ofthe most important native genetic resources of Amazônia which was totally domesticated by South American indians. To determine qualitative and quantitative characters, discriminate ethnovarieties (ETNs), facilitate in situ and ex situ conservation and crop improvement, 28 ETNs ífom the Germplasm Bank of the National Research Institute for Amazônia - ENPA, ífom various parts of Brazilian, Peruvian and Columbian Amazônia were characterized and evaluated. The fíeld trial was carried out at the "Alejo von der Pahlen" Horticulture Experiment Station, km 14 of the AM 010 highway, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. The soil is a RedYellow Ultisol, alie, with sandy texture and low natural fertihty. The plants were fertihzed with2kg oforganic compost,30 g oftreble superphosphate,30 g ofpotassium chloride and 10 g of urea. The experimental design used randomized blocks with 28 treatments (the ETNs)and four repetitions of7.5 m^ with five measure plants. Qualitative and quantitative characters ofthe plant vegetative and reproductive organs were evaluated. The qualitative characters were observed on the stem, leaf, flower, inflorescence and ffuit; DNA was extracted ffom the leaves and RAPD markers were used to detect variation; quantitative physical fhiit characters included average number of fhiits(ANF), ffuit length (FL), fruit width(FW), pulp thickness (PT), number of locules(NL), amount ofjuice in the locular cavity(AJ), average ffuit weight(AJFW), rind weight(RW), humid seed weight(WS)and average weight of ffuits per plant(WAF);fruit pulp was chemically analyzed for humidity (HUMI), ash (A), protein (PRO), ether extract (ET), nitrogen free ffaction (NF), energy (ENE), potassium (K), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), sodium (Na), iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg)and calcium (Ca). The morphometric data were analyzed with analysis of variance (ANOVA), coefiBcients of phenotypic, genetic and environmental correlations were estimated,and the binary RAPD matrix was used to generate Nei& Li and Jaccard similarity coefficients, which were used to group the ETNs with UPGMA, using a 1000 repetition "bootstrap" to evaluate the consistency of the dendrogram. The ANOVAs detected significant differences among ETHs for ali morphometric characters, with ffuit shape showing the greatest phenotypic divergence among the 28 ETNs. Among these ETNs nine dififerent finit shapes were found, with a predominance ofspherical finits, varying in length xvm■if from 3.1 to 9.2 cm, in diameter from 3.3 to 7.7 cm, in pulp thickness from 1.5 to 19.5 mm and in weight from 18.5 to 301 g. The ether extract and N-free extract fractions varied from 1.3 and 27.2 % fresh weight and 58.5 and 87.3 % f.w., respectively, characteiizing cubiu as a low energy food 71,3 to 87,3Kcal. The potassium content varied from 54.6 to 463.5 mg and iron varied from 97.3 to 352.0 mg, and were the minerais with the highest concentrations. None of protein extracts, obtained at different pHs (2.6; 7.6; 9.0) from seed flour, presented hemaglutinate activity against rabbit blood and the human ABO system, even when treated with proteolytic enzymes. The combination between pairs of morphologic characters EP, PMF, CF, PS, PC and QS allows genotype selection for cubiu improvement. The smailest and largest values of the genetic correlation coefhcients were, respectively, between CF and PS (ro = 0.600 *♦), and LF and QS (ro = 0.962 **). Among the more important chemical components, strong genetic correlations were found among PRO, Fe, Mg and Ca: PRO and Fe (ro = 0.786 **), PRO and Mg (ro = 0.754 **), and PRO and Ca (ro = 0.768 **), suggesting the feasibility of selecting simultaneously for other elements that will contribute for cubiu improvement as a nutritious food. In general, using a combination of morphologic and chemical characters, it will be possible to select elite genotypes for cubiu improvement. The genomic DNA extracted yielded various 23 kb fragments without apparent degradation and free of RNA contamination. AH the samples presented satisfactory degrees of pureness when measured by the relation A260/A280, varying from 1.85 to 2.28, and indicating that the purified DNA was only slightly contaminated with proteins and that the methodology can be considered efficient and adequate for the proposed genetic analyses. The reproducibility of the RAPD reaction was high in ali repetitions and presented definite bands of high fidelity. Of the seven primers used, only one of them did not detect polymorphism. Of the 59 fragments detected, 28 are polymorphic. The Nei & Li similarity coefiScients varied from 0.819 between ETN 1 and ETN 16, which originated in Benjamin Constant and Eirunepé (AM), respectively, to 0.988 between ETN 3 and ETN 25, which originated in Barcelos and Atalaia do Norte (AM). The Jaccard similarity coeflBcients varied from 0.694 between ETN 1 and ETN 16, and 0.976 between ETN 3 and ETN 25. In the dendrograms of the ETNs based on the similarities of Jaccard and Nei & Li presented very similar structures, with good internai consistency, and with three groups: Group I was formed by a single ethnovariety from Benjamin Constant, with genetic distance between it XIX'4 and the next group of 0.819; Group II grouped 69.2 % of the ETNs originating from Amazônia Occidental; and Group IIIjoined 26.9% ofthe ETNs in Central Amazônia, with a singie ETN originating in Atalaia do Norte(AM). Based on these groupings, at least six extremely divergent ETNs could be selected for exploitation as parents in cubiu improvement programs with a good probability of generating hybrid vigor: ETN 1 from Benjamin Constant (AM); ETN 8 from Putumayo (Colombia); ETN 18 from Carauari (AM);ETN4from São Gabriel da Cachoeira(AM);ETN 7 from Humaitá(AM);and ETN 23 from Autazes(AM). The hypothesis that ethnovarieties of cubiu in Amazônia can bediscriminated with qualitative, quantitative morphological and chemical descriptors, and molecular markers was confirmed.