
Ordenamento do turismo de observação de animais em Unidades de Conservação: mamíferos aquáticos no Parque Nacional do Jaú, Amazonas, Brasil

Tourism is important for management in protected areas and is one of the few activities allowed in some categories of conservation units (CU). National parks are the most visited and have an objective of combining the development of recreation activities in the natural setting and ecotourism. This s...

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Autor principal: Mattos, Gália Ely de
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia - INPA 2020
Acesso em linha: https://repositorio.inpa.gov.br/handle/1/12879
Tourism is important for management in protected areas and is one of the few activities allowed in some categories of conservation units (CU). National parks are the most visited and have an objective of combining the development of recreation activities in the natural setting and ecotourism. This study evaluated the potential of wildlife tourism in the Jau National Park specifically the observation of two Amazonian aquatic mammals, the giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) and the pink dolphin (Inia geoffrensis). A tourist guide based on existing recommendations in the literature for the species and relevant legislation to tourism for giant otter and pink dolphin was developed. Data collection included: in loco questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with tourists, boatmen / guides from the town of Novo Airão/AM and representatives of the tourism industry in Manaus and Novo Airão. The interviewees Willingness to Pay (WTP) was taken into consideration. Two hundred and forty four people were interviewed. The results indicate that if a trip to see aquatic mammals (specifically pink dolphin and giant otter) was available to the tourist, 95% of Brazilians and 84% of foreign interviewees would be interested in participating. Fifty percent of the interviewees expressed their willingness to pay between R$ 101 and R$ 150 per person per day to participate in the proposed product. Proposals concerning tourism with pink dolphins and giant otters taking into consideration the activity s Limits of Acceptable Change (LAC), operating mode (concession, permission or authorization), environmental interpretation, and advertising the product were outlined. It is important that there is consensus between all stakeholders to ensure the tourist s safety and animal welfare in order to offer a unique tourism product in the Brazilian Amazon which may attract tourists from different countries and different regions of Brazil.