
Instrumentos para a gestão do uso de recursos naturais: análise dos acordos de convivência na região do médio Purus-Amazonas-Am

Localized in the Middle River Purus’ region, at the south of the Amazonas Brazilian State, the Protected Areas complex is composed mainly of Conservation Unities of Sustainable Use and Indigenous Lands who are close to the deforestation’s arc. It is a region susceptible to strong environmental impac...

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Autor principal: Garzón Rojas, Diego Felipe
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia - INPA 2020
Acesso em linha: https://repositorio.inpa.gov.br/handle/1/12931
Localized in the Middle River Purus’ region, at the south of the Amazonas Brazilian State, the Protected Areas complex is composed mainly of Conservation Unities of Sustainable Use and Indigenous Lands who are close to the deforestation’s arc. It is a region susceptible to strong environmental impacts, produced by the advance of development projects at the frontier of the Amazon basin. Within that area, exists interest divergences between indigenous and extractive users, that teases conflicts for the access to the natural resources, moreover at overlaid areas or contiguous, where both of the groups use the same resources. The State institutions and communities associations have searched alternatives for conciliating these problems; such is the case of the “Connivance Agreements”. This study aims to analyze the Connivance Agreements, signed between Apurinã indigenous at the region of the Low Seruini River and extractive users of the Médio Purus Extractive Reserve, in order to deal with conflicts principally motivated by the use of the Amazonian nut (Bertholletia excelsa Bonpl.). These management instrument was analyzed based on a description of the elaboration and argue process in the respective meetings, with qualitative criteria that allowed to deepen in the adopted terms and characteristics of the interest groups involved with the agreements. That analysis revealed management positive aspects, such as the natural resources’ pacts of common use, the Brazilian nut repartition to deal with the different interests between the actors and the agreement’s temporal and spatial definition, among other topics. Besides, it were studied issues that troubled the success of its management, such as the clear definition of all the related actors, and a more governmental and less community autonomous way of approaching that management. Based on that analysis, proposals were searched in order to contribute in the consolidation of the already set agreements, and the future agreements on the region through the application of socioenvironmental conflict management instruments.