
Estudo do escoamento turbulento atmosférico em diferentes sítios experimentais localizados na Amazônia

Amazon region is known worldwide for the availability of water and for the number of ecosystems such as dense forests land, flooded forests, flood plains, igapós, open and closed fields. The important role that the Amazon rainforest plays in the energy and mass exchange with the atmosphere and th...

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Autor principal: Santana, Raoni Aquino Silva de
Grau: Tese
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia - INPA 2020
Acesso em linha: https://repositorio.inpa.gov.br/handle/1/12965
Amazon region is known worldwide for the availability of water and for the number of ecosystems such as dense forests land, flooded forests, flood plains, igapós, open and closed fields. The important role that the Amazon rainforest plays in the energy and mass exchange with the atmosphere and the implication of these changes in the climate at a local, regional and global scale is a fact difficult to be answered. Since such changes are controlled by atmospheric turbulence, the understanding of turbulent flow in the different atmosphere layers, in and above the forest canopy and above water surfaces in the Amazon, becomes necessary. In this work, the vertical variability of the wind velocity, the turbulence statistical moments, the sensible heat flux (H) and the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate (ε) in different experimental sites in and above Amazon forest were studied. In addition, a comparison was made between turbulent flows above one of these sites (a rough surface) and above a lake, which is also located in the Amazon. Regarding the vertical wind profile, data collected from six towers of different experimental sites were analyzed, aiming to observe the general characteristics of the behavior of said profile, as well as to test the ability of simplified models to reproduce such characteristics. In general, the profile below the canopy is strongly affected by the forest structure. From the soil up to 0.65h (where h = 35 m is the average height of the forest canopy), the vertical wind profile is approximately constant with height and has very low values, less than 1,0 ms -1. Above 0.65h up to 2.25h the wind speed increases with height. As for the models used, both the Yi and Souza models were able to reproduce satisfactorily the wind profile for the different experimental sites. In relation to this last model, it was still possible to reduce the amount of input variables required to simulate the vertical wind speed profile without prejudice to the aforementioned ability. Differently from the wind profile, the other analyzes performed in this work were based on data from only two experimental sites. These data were collected by bi and three - dimensional sonic anemometers arranged from near the forest floor to about 80 m high. Comparing the results of the two sites studied in this study with other two (investigated by other authors in published works) also located in Amazonia, these sites showed significant differences in the efficiency of absorbing momentum of the atmosphere, probably due to small differences in the forest structure of each site. The behavior of the turbulence statistical moments showed that eddies generated above the forest canopy hardly penetrate the region below 0.5h, , and that depth can be more easily reached during strong wind conditions. Likewise, H values were higher during this condition in both during the daytime and nighttime. Another important observation disappears from the H profile is that is not constant with the height, compromising the validity of the Monin-Obukhov’s theory similarity. In addition, it has been noted that the behavior of the H diurnal cycle is quite complex at certain times, changing from positive to negative within the daytime period. The ε diurnal cycle shows the same behavior at all heights, influenced by the solar radiation diurnal cycle. The highest values of ε were also found during the strong winds performance, with a maximum close to the forest canopy top. Comparing the turbulence characteristics above the forest with those observed above the lake, it was verified that in general the air turbulence intensity above the forest was higher than above the lake during the daytime, due to the high efficiency of the forest in absorbing momentum of the turbulent flow. During the nighttime the situation was reversed, with greater air turbulence intensity above the lake, except in some periods in which intermittent turbulence bursts occur above the forest. The horizontal (Λu) and vertical (Λw) eddies scales calculated during the daytime period were higher above forest than above the lake, and the vertical length scale (Lw) was also larger over the forest, but the horizontal length scale (Lu) was higher above lake. The composites of the vertical velocity power spectra obtained for the daytime and nighttime periods for each site showed canonical behavior, with a well-defined inertial subdomain region, except in the nighttime period above the forest. Finally, shear production was the dominant term of the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) budget equation during the daytime period at both sites. All terms calculated in this work at night showed values close to zero over the lake, indicating that the terms that could not be calculated, such as the TKE advection, may have contributed to maintenance of turbulence overnight at this site.