
Efeitos da ocupação urbana sobre a macrofauna de invertebrados aquáticos de um Igarapé da cidade de Manaus/AM - Amazônia Central

Conditions of water quality and of the invertebrate fauna in the stream Mindú, originating in undisturbed forest area and crossing the city of Manaus/AM, were studied from 1993 to 1995. Deforestation and invasive colonization along the headwater streams and pollution in the city center caused drasti...

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Autor principal: Cleto Filho, Sérgio Ernani Nogueira
Outros Autores: Walker, Ilse
Grau: Artigo
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Acta Amazonica 2020
Acesso em linha:
Conditions of water quality and of the invertebrate fauna in the stream Mindú, originating in undisturbed forest area and crossing the city of Manaus/AM, were studied from 1993 to 1995. Deforestation and invasive colonization along the headwater streams and pollution in the city center caused drastic alterations of the limnological and faunistic conditions. Thus, water temperature, conductivity, pH values and quantity of sediments in suspension rose significantly, while oxygen levels dropped. Together with the natural reduction of flow speed and increased solar radiation these alterations resulted in eutrophication and a marked change of the composition of the invertebrate fauna.