
Sementes e plântulas de andiroba (Carapa guianensis Aubl. e Carapa procera D. C.): aspectos botânicos, ecológicos e tecnológicos

In the Amazon Basin occur both species of the genus Carapa (Meliaceae). Roba-mahogany is well known for the quality of its timber and the oil extracted from its seeds. The provision of basic information on seed and seedlings to subsidize scientific studies and the propagation and management of these...

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Autor principal: Ferraz, Isolde Dorothea Kossmann
Outros Autores: Camargo, José Luís Campana, Sampaio, Paulo de Tarso Barbosa
Grau: Artigo
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Acta Amazonica 2020
Acesso em linha:
In the Amazon Basin occur both species of the genus Carapa (Meliaceae). Roba-mahogany is well known for the quality of its timber and the oil extracted from its seeds. The provision of basic information on seed and seedlings to subsidize scientific studies and the propagation and management of these species was the objective of this study. Bio-morphology of the fruits, seeds and seedlings, and a comparative botanical description, allow the distinction of both species. The natural distribution, abundance and phenology are presented, as well as factors which may influence the natural regeneration, as the high seed predation and the infestation by Hypsipyla grandella. Roba-mahogany trees have large seeds (with an average weight of 25 g - C. guianensis and 16 g - C. procera) with a regular fructification. However, there are difficulties in seedling production due to desiccation and chilling sensitivity of the seeds. The thickness of the seed coat may cause dormancy of C. guianensis, which may delay the germination until six months. Seeds of C. procera, which normally have a thinner seed coat need in average only one month to germinate. Nursery practices and planting, as well as the use of these species are commented.