
Desenvolvimento de Artemisia annua L. cultivada em diferentes classes de solos com e sem adição de solução nutritiva

This study aimed to evaluate the effect of different soil types with the addition of nutrient solution in the production of biomass and artemisinin content in Artemisia annua L. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse of the Research Coordination in Agricultural Sciences (SCAC) of the National...

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Autor principal: Carneiro, Jone Libório Uchôa
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia - INPA 2020
Acesso em linha: https://repositorio.inpa.gov.br/handle/1/5252
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of different soil types with the addition of nutrient solution in the production of biomass and artemisinin content in Artemisia annua L. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse of the Research Coordination in Agricultural Sciences (SCAC) of the National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA). The experimental design was completely randomized in a 5x2 factorial arrangement with ten replications, with five classes of soil (Acrisol Dystrophic (PVAd); Spodosol Ferrihumilúvicos Orthic (Esko); Gleysol Haplic Eutrophic Ta (GXve); Typic Eutrophic (LAE); Yellow Latosol (LAd), treated with application of complete nutrient solution. The plants grown in soil in Lae, with nutrient solution, had higher productivity of biomass, stem diameter, root dry mass, leaf number , artemisinin yield compared to other treatments. artemisinin content differed only in plants grown in PVAd, which was not observed any pattern of character which requires a nutritional hypothesis consistent. The application of nutrient solution decreased the Al content of toxic soils, and consequently the percentage of saturation of that, increasing the sum of bases, and cation exchange capacity (CEC). Plants grown in PVAd, Esko and LAd (unresolved) had 100% mortality due to acidic pH, the low nutritional content, and high potential acidity of the soil. The foliar nutrient content indicated that plants grown in Lae, with solution, showed K deficiency, confirmed by visual diagnosis. The nutrient solution used caused the unavailability of soil nutrients to the plant due to its composition.