O Movimento Nacional de Luta pela Moradia em Palmas: a imagem dos sem-tetos e de sua causa no Jornal do Tocantins (1998-2007)

This work seeks to understand how the national housing Movement in Tocantins and the and homelessness popular as social problem was approached by Jornal do Tocantins, in the period of your largest at the last planned capital of the 20th century. Sought to realize the political and social contexts th...

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Autor principal: Oliveira, Alecsandre Alves
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: 2019
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/1152
This work seeks to understand how the national housing Movement in Tocantins and the and homelessness popular as social problem was approached by Jornal do Tocantins, in the period of your largest at the last planned capital of the 20th century. Sought to realize the political and social contexts that surveyed MNLM‟s actions TO, understand the main strategies of organization and mobilization of the movement and understand how it contributed to make public the problem of socio-spatial segregation, which affected especially the homeless in Palmas-TO, mostly workers who came to the new capital in search of the dream of a better life. The working hypothesis argues that the political context interfered in press coverage. As object of study was elected the Jornal do Tocantins, main and longest in the region, in the printed version, for the period 1998 to 2007. The theoretical-methodological grounds was guided by scholars who discuss the theory of social movements and the relationship of the movements with the media. The Analysis of content and news framing theory were employed in the corpus composed of 73 news related to MNLM/TO or to the issue of housing and the homeless, which showed that the political scenario has cooperated for significant changes in both cooperated media discourse as the movement's strategies.