
A atuação do enfermeiro frente às intoxicações por exposição aos agrotóxicos no meio rural: pesquisa bibliográfica utilizando Portal CAPES.

Agrochemicals are products of physical, chemical or biological agents, also known as pesticides or pesticides, which highlights the toxicity of these products as well as the risks and damages caused to the environment and health of the population in general, especially rural workers which have direc...

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Autor principal: Pimenta, Mayla Aires Amaral
Grau: Monografia
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2020
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Agrochemicals are products of physical, chemical or biological agents, also known as pesticides or pesticides, which highlights the toxicity of these products as well as the risks and damages caused to the environment and health of the population in general, especially rural workers which have direct contact with these products, but are used in agriculture with the destination in the fight against pests, insects, bacteria, fungi and other plants in order to prevent plantings of losses and damages. The objective of this work was to study Brazilian theses and dissertations, published in the Catalog of Theses and Dissertations of the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) through the bibliographic research, where indirect observation was used, with the purpose of analyzing the productions related to the nurses' performance in relation to intoxications due to exposure to pesticides in the rural environment, in which 22 productions were consulted with the search period from 2013 to 2018, using the descriptors connected through the Boolean connector AND: nursing performance and intoxication by agrochemicals and rural and risk factors, which were searched together. It was evidenced in this research that there are difficulties by a large number of health professionals, in which the nurses are placed in relation to the process of identification and notification of patients with intoxication due to exposure to pesticides, in addition to a few studies on this subject subsidizing qualified care based on scientific knowledge and public policies of health promotion strategies and risk and injury prevention.