
A utilização prática do trabalho do apenado como causa de (re)inserção social no sistema penitenciário

This study aims to follow, from the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the State of Tocantins, the analysis of the actions for the right to decent work, doesn’t that insignificant work that can’t bring anything good to the prisoner. The subject built aproach aims to bring to light the innovative aspects...

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Autor principal: Oliveira, Luiz Francisco de
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2020
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/1780
This study aims to follow, from the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the State of Tocantins, the analysis of the actions for the right to decent work, doesn’t that insignificant work that can’t bring anything good to the prisoner. The subject built aproach aims to bring to light the innovative aspects of criminal execution, in wich the lack of practical use of the work of the plucking has been one of the major responsible for the problems that occurred in the Brazilian prision system, and, in particular, in the system penitentiary of the State of Tocantins. In view of diversity of social, psychological, anthropological, legal and political factors that involve discussion about the prision system as an official institution of the State, which takes care of the acused after the committing of the crime was chosen as a way methodological the prism of interdisciplinarity. The design of the research includes the exploratory purpose and also the bibliographic and documentary research, the problem investigated has as object of study the action of Public Prosecutor in the fight so that it is effectivelly provided to the prisoner decent work to help in its social reitegration. The study is methdologically subdivided into three moments. At the first moment, sought to contemplate a wide theoretical universe, where a historical anchor was made about the sentence and evolution of prision over the years. In the second moment, a study was conducted on the workforce within the prision, where several gaps in the prision system are demontrated, wich generates, in practice, the emptyng of theories about ressocialization. In the third and last moment, several projects carried out and/or supervised by the public Prosecutor’s Office are presented, both at the state level and in the County of Dianópolis, in joint action with other institutions, where it is demonstrated that the work can be a powerful tool to reinsert the detainee into society.