
As diretrizes curriculares de Administração e a formação dos profissionais: uma análise nos cursos presenciais de Administração em Araguaína - TO

The Administration Course is among the most requested for those seeking a higher education. In Brazil more than five thousand educational institutions offer the course that is based on Resolution nº 04 of July of 2005, which provides on the curricular guidelines for all the Administration Courses...

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Autor principal: Urbano, Giannina Martins Bruno
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2020
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/1791
The Administration Course is among the most requested for those seeking a higher education. In Brazil more than five thousand educational institutions offer the course that is based on Resolution nº 04 of July of 2005, which provides on the curricular guidelines for all the Administration Courses. Although guiding the guidelines, it is up to each institution to draw up its curricula so that the egress has a training identity that meets the needs of the local market. Therefore, the objective of this work was to analyze the curricular matrices of the institutions that offer the Administration Course in the classroom in the city of Araguaína - TO. The research is of a documentary nature and resulted in three articles where the first one sought to identify scientific works, at the strictu sensu level, available in the database of the Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations that deal with the subject of administration course, the studied studies verified that there is interest and concern with the professional training in administration, but the studies are still limited to the south and southeast regions. The second article aimed to discuss the egress profile proposed by the IHE of Administration in Araguaína, according to the competency axes provided in the curricular guidelines and it was verified that, although they present differences when describing the profile of their graduates, the faculties analyzed follow the same formal pattern and are scarcely distinguishable on the basis of the analysis of the curricular matrices. The third article proposed a reflection about the formation of the administrator professional, where the objective was to characterize the general tendency or specialist of the curriculum of the presencial courses of administration offered by the faculties in Araguaína - TO. The research revealed that the curricular matrices studied did not demonstrate aspects that characterize the predominance in a generalist or not so specialized training.