
Educação geográfica e o ensino de cidade: reflexões à luz da Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC)

The present study presents a reflection about the teaching of Geography and the relevance of teaching the city based on the propositions of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC). This investigation dialogues with other academic works that approach teaching the city in geographic edu...

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Autor principal: Ferreira, Afonso Vieira
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2020
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/2098
The present study presents a reflection about the teaching of Geography and the relevance of teaching the city based on the propositions of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC). This investigation dialogues with other academic works that approach teaching the city in geographic education. The innovative characteristic of this research is outstanding because it is carried out in the light of the changes brought about by BNCC. Thus, it is intended to analyze the importance of teaching Geography in BasicEducation (specifically in the Final Years of Elementary School) and the relevance of teaching the city as from the National Common Curricular Base. This investigation begins with a historical rescue, which aims to present theoretical and methodological aspects of geography teaching and its importance in basic schooling, approaching the relevance of the city as knowledge object for geographic education; the next step is to identify, based on the BNCC, the progression of skills related to education about city in the Final Years of Elementary Education and; ultimately, it is proposed to characterize the relationship between the city and the teaching of Geography from the view of students and teachers of a public school in the city of Novo Acordo-TO, state ofTocantins. The methodological procedures adopted were guided by bibliographic review (of texts, articles, dissertations, theses and books), documentary analysis (of the law, decrees and resolutions) and was complemented by empirical research with the application of questionnaires to students and teachers. The results of this academic work are a better understanding of the historical, theoretical and methodological route Geography, greater clarity about aspects related to the city in history and its importance in geographic education. It can also be said that, based on this investigation, progress has been made in understanding the legal aspects of the constitution of the BNCC and the respective changes brought to national education. The empirical survey allowed to explain aspects of the relationship between theory and practice regarding the daily life of students and teachers in the city of Novo Acordo-TO, aspects that reaffirm the relevance of studying the city in the teaching of Geography.