
Estressores para o paciente da unidade de terapia intensiva do Hospital Regional Público de Gurupi – Tocantins

The characteristics of the intensive care Unit and the complications that occur in the course of the day the manifestation of stress in this environment; conscious patients are directly exposed to this situation. Through the analysis of the stressors for patients admitted to ICU it is possible to im...

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Autor principal: Silva, Vanilson Pereira da
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2016
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/210
The characteristics of the intensive care Unit and the complications that occur in the course of the day the manifestation of stress in this environment; conscious patients are directly exposed to this situation. Through the analysis of the stressors for patients admitted to ICU it is possible to implement measures that can facilitate the humanization in this environment. The aim of this study was to identify the stressors for hospitalized patients in the ICU of Hospital Regional audience of Gurupi-TO, from the perspective of the patient, family and healthcare professionals. This is a descriptive exploratory study, where it was used as an instrument of data collect, the estressor scale (Intensive Care Unit Environmental Stressor Scale-ICUESS) and a questionnaire of clinical and demographic information-QICD. The three major stress factors on vision of patients were having no control of himself, have pain and see family and friends for just a few minutes a day. The relatives of the patients admitted to the ICU believe the major stress factors are: to have tubes in the nose and/or mouth, having no control of himself and Have pain. For health workers who were in contact with these patients, the main stressors are: being stuck by needles, be arrested by tubes and unable to sleep. In spite of the sample and the studied variables can represent limitations in this research, the findings denote that the investment in strategies of humanization in intensive care to minimize the stress of the patient during their period of stay tend to contribute to its recovery and simultaneously foster a relationship between the Family / Patients / health workers.