
Saneamento ambiental e os fatores associados ao desenvolvimento como liberdade: estudo no assentamento Manoel Alves no município de Araguaína - TO

The lack of environmental sanitation causes numerous problems, both environmental and social. In Brazil, approximately 16% of the inhabitants live in precarious conditions or in the absence of sanitation, in this context are highlighted the residents in rural areas, especially the res...

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Autor principal: Mendes, Deusine Cristianne Borges Aguiar
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2020
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/2115
The lack of environmental sanitation causes numerous problems, both environmental and social. In Brazil, approximately 16% of the inhabitants live in precarious conditions or in the absence of sanitation, in this context are highlighted the residents in rural areas, especially the residents of projects of agrarian reform settlements. Such a situation can directly interfere in the development of many communities. Starting from the exhibition, a survey shows Amartya Sen's Theory of Capacity Expansion, which reflects on the circumstances that limit people’s opportunities and choices?The general objective of the work was to analyze and problematize the way in which environmental sanitation practices and factors associated with development as freedom occur in PA Manoel Alves in the municipality of Araguaína -TO; and specifically was sought the recognition and description of water supply locations, discharge of sewage and disposal of waste; the characterization of the socioeconomic profile and a perception of the importance of environmental sanitation for settlers, in order to generate information and knowledge about factors that can interfere in the development of the community.Thisresearchis exploratory and descriptive, for data collection it were adopted the following methods: bibliographic and documentary research and also direct contact, semi-structured interviews and field research with photographic records. The analysis was performed by using descriptive statistics (quantitative) and content analysis (qualitative). According to the results, the Manoel Alves Settlement Projectisunassisted in relation to environmental sanitation, directly affecting the development as freedom for this community.