
Capacidades estatais do programa de reabilitação profissional do INSS no Tocantins: limites e potencialidades

The Professional Rehabilitation Program-PRP has gained greater relevance in the neoliberal context, so adverse to the worker that he has to undergo work in precarious conditions, being exposed to illness and, sometimes, to mutilation, and rehabilitation is the state's response to the problem of d...

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Autor principal: Moura, Cristiana Maria Mesquita de
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2021
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/2367
The Professional Rehabilitation Program-PRP has gained greater relevance in the neoliberal context, so adverse to the worker that he has to undergo work in precarious conditions, being exposed to illness and, sometimes, to mutilation, and rehabilitation is the state's response to the problem of disability. The INSS, through the PRP, offers the service of (re)educational or (re)adaptive assistance to users with limitations for re-entry into the labor market. This research used the theoretical of state capacities because it is linked to the ability of governments to implement public policies. The general objective was to verify the capacity of the INSS PRP in Tocantins to give the conditions for the return of workers with limitations to the labor market. To achieve this purpose, the following specific objectives were listed: to establish the profile of the insured identifying local needs; verification of the PRP's performance in 2018 and identify the technical-administrative and political-relational capacities. This research refers to a case study, exploratory and descriptive of qualiquantitative nature and based on bibliographic and documentary studies. To perform the data collection, 74 complete rehabilitation processes were analyzed for 2018 and an interview was conducted with professionals working in the PRP - TO. The results indicate that the PrP of Tocantins has reasonable physical-structural capacity for the effectiveness of the service and human resources with high technical-administrative capacity, however the workforce is notoriously disproportionate to the demand. The PRP presents great limitations in financial capacity, internal and external coordination capacity, which presents itself in the difficulty of performing institutional arrangements with other strategic services for the rehabilitation of the insured. Thus, the need to act in conjunction with other institutions was identified to expand the capacity of insured persons in the labor market. In moreover, the data on state capacities materialize in the results found in 2018, in which the PRP counted 460 insured; of these, 74 completed the Program, however only 31% of them were rehabilitated to another function or had professional readjustment.