Narrativa e memória: o trabalho das quebradeiras de coco da região do Bico do Papagaio em “Raimunda a ‘quebradeira”

The documentary “Raimunda, a quebradeira”, directed by Marcelo Silva and released in 2007, told the story of coconut shellers in the Bico do Papagaio region of the state of Tocantins. Among the coconut shellers, the story of Raimunda, who with others began the Interstate Movement of Babassu Co...

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Autor principal: Lena, Milena Botelho Azevedo
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: 2021
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The documentary “Raimunda, a quebradeira”, directed by Marcelo Silva and released in 2007, told the story of coconut shellers in the Bico do Papagaio region of the state of Tocantins. Among the coconut shellers, the story of Raimunda, who with others began the Interstate Movement of Babassu Coconut Shellers (MIQCB), stood out. The movement had as its main agenda the struggle for the coconut shellers to have access to public and private lands that contained the babassu coconut palm; and for the palm trees not to be cut down. Accordingly, the objective of this study is to analyze and understand in what ways the issues raised in the documentary have been dealt with over the period after the documentary was recorded. It also aims to identify the possible advances and / or setbacks that the region has experienced since the production of the documentary. To do this, the news, reports and other media publications that addressed the Bico do Papagaio region, the shellers and / or Dona Raimunda were considered. In the analysis, references on the communication process, symbols, documentaries and speeches were mobilized. It was found that the production of the documentary gave visibility to the region and the shellers and, at the same time, Dona Raimunda, as a representative, was received by the federal and state governments, and managed to bring different benefits to the local population. It was also found that the movement gradually incorporated other guidelines and flags, such as sustainable development, female leadership, social inequality, among others.