
Sentidos, significados e representações sociais sobre educação: a perspectiva de homens presos na unidade penal de Tocantinópolis/TO

This research is a case study inserted in the theme of education in the context of deprivation of liberty and which aimed to understand the senses and meanings attributed to education by male prisoners participating in a reading club in prison in the light of the analytical category of social rep...

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Autor principal: Silva, Luciana Conceição da
Grau: Monografia
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2021
Acesso em linha:
This research is a case study inserted in the theme of education in the context of deprivation of liberty and which aimed to understand the senses and meanings attributed to education by male prisoners participating in a reading club in prison in the light of the analytical category of social representations. It had as theoretical-methodological support the principles of the Participant Research, using the Conversation Wheel and participant observation to obtain the data, which were later submitted to a content analysis. Six major themes of analysis were obtained, one of them being related to the reasons that lead people in prison to participate in educational activities; two of them about the meanings that these people attribute to these activities and to the educational space inside the prison; and three on the meanings and social representations of education inside and outside prison. The results reveal that the remission of sentence is one of the main reasons that lead people to study in prison, but this is not the only reason, as they also point to an improvement in life during imprisonment and the opportunity for learning. Regarding the meanings, the results reveal that the educational space is configured as a better environment to be inside the prison. In this educational space they experience different sensations from the activities proposed in it. The meanings attributed to educational actions show that they impact on the participants' behavior and thoughts, enabling them to feel more human and to (re)establish social and family ties. In the dimension of the meanings and Social Representations of education in prison, it is possible to notice that there are similarities and differences in relation to extramural education; that it provides experiences that occupy the mind, stimulate participation, generate a sense of freedom, distance them from the criminal identity and reduce the time of imprisonment, which contrasts with the logic of prison. It is also noticed that education in prison is simultaneously seen as a benefit and a second chance to resume studies, offered by enlightened beings, but also as a possibility for establishing new relationships with educational practice.