
Estudantes universitários: entre ter saúde e adoecer

The general objective of this study is to identify which factors contribute to the illness or health processes of university students at UFT, who attended in 2019/2 the optional subject: Pleasure and Suffering at the University (Class B). The specific objectives defined for this research were: a) To...

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Autor principal: Silva, Andressa Macedo
Grau: Monografia
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2021
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The general objective of this study is to identify which factors contribute to the illness or health processes of university students at UFT, who attended in 2019/2 the optional subject: Pleasure and Suffering at the University (Class B). The specific objectives defined for this research were: a) To map the main symptoms of suffering and illness of students who attended the elective in 2019/2 in Class B. b) Identify which alternatives students use to alleviate suffering and /or illness at the University. c) Check what are the sources of pleasure of students who attended the elective in 2019/2 in Class B. This is a research with a qualitative approach, descriptive in nature and which had as a procedure the field research. The questionnaire was made available to students in the optional subject through a google forms link, which was shared in the group's WhatsApp group. The sample consisted of 21 participants, containing students from undergraduate courses in: administration, civil engineering, electrical engineering and law. Data were analyzed using Excel and through content analysis. As a result of the general objective, young age, studying and working at the same time, overload and pressure due to course requirements, were considered factors that contribute to the illness process of university students in the optional discipline. The good relationship with colleagues and teachers was identified as a factor that contributes to the students' health process. As for the specific objectives, the main symptoms of suffering and illness of students who attended the optional in 2019/2 in Class B were: discouragement, indecision, restlessness, feelings of tension, irritability, feeling of uselessness and inability to relax. The alternatives used by students to alleviate the suffering and/or illness at the University, which were reported in the instrument, are: the use of medication, psychiatric care and psychotherapy. Among the sources of pleasure reported by students are: friends, leisure activities, physical activity and learning. Thus, it can be considered that this research achieved the proposed objectives, thus demonstrating that the experiences of pleasure and suffering for students are common and inseparable in the organization of work at the University, as well as in other work environments.