
Educação popular: saberes vivenciados no uso de plantas medicinais na comunidade quilombola Kalunga do Mimoso - TO

The article brings relevant elements about the identity and culture of a people, with the objective of researching and knowing how the process of community building (its trajectory), customs, values and beliefs took place, making a survey of the plant species used for the purpose. in the quilombo...

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Autor principal: SOARES, Valdirene Curcino Rodrigues
Grau: Monografia
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2021
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The article brings relevant elements about the identity and culture of a people, with the objective of researching and knowing how the process of community building (its trajectory), customs, values and beliefs took place, making a survey of the plant species used for the purpose. in the quilombola community Kalunga do Mimoso in the municipality of arraias - TO. Therefore, the community's belief in plant resources is evident as an alternative to the treatment of various common diseases and illnesses. However, this article aims to answer the following question: How is this popular education of medicinal knowledge passed down from generation to generation in this Kalunga community. How do people in this community use these plants. For the accomplishment of this research a bibliographical research was realized to have a basis of the proposed theme through books, internet research, articles, among others. In which it had as theoretical support authors such as Brandão (2009), Cavaglier (2014), Freire (2005), Leite (1999), Oliveira (2017), who contributed to its foundation. The research method is a qualitative research, for this was done a field research in the Quilombola Kalunga do Mimoso Community. Information about the community was obtained through interviews with their residents, where observations, interviews, conversations and photos were conducted to carry out the studies. The work achieved reached the objective of reporting the use of medicinal plants by the community under study and it can be seen that all interviewed families use medicinal plants and that they are very important since the community does not have easy access to conventional medicines.