The city of Taguatinga do Tocantins, located in the interior of the State of Tocantins, has
prominence and local, regional and state recognition, given the importance and relevance of the
horseback rides that take place within the city's patron feast to Nossa Senhora D’Abadia. In the
course of this scientific work, data was collected regarding the cavalcades that are staged there
annually, when there is no impediment such as the case of COVID 19, which made the party in
2020 impossible. As mentioned above, the main objective of the present work was focused only
on the cavalcades as well as bringing elements of a cultural and protective order, seeking to see
in the cavalcades elements that contextualize the existence of an immaterial cultural heritage
and, if so, if there is, in the case of the cavalcades of Taguatinga do in the State of Tocantins
some public act of protection or recognition of this event, which are the cavalhadas. In this way,
this research is attached to cultural geography, a discipline that allowed the approach of some
main items such as culture and place, since both are part of the present dissertation work and
how much social event, contribute greatly to the strengthening of the culture of the city of
Taguatinga in the State of Tocantins. Regarding the methodology, the present research was
guided by the qualitative approach, whose main techniques used form the bibliographic
researches and the field research, research limited by the condition of the party that occurs only
once a year and in the year 2020 did not occur in virtue of the COVID pandemic19. Even so in
2019 when the first and only trip to the field, for the reasons already mentioned, 12 interviews
were conducted with current and former participants in the cavalhadas, which took place in two
cycles, with only one ex-rider from the first cycle that took place at the end of the 30s was
interviewed, the only rider of that cycle alive when interviewing in 2019. Such interviews were
crucial to extract elements in order to find cultural actions and identities in the cavalhada as
well as subsidize consultations about the existence of some public act to define or recognize
cavalhada as a cultural heritage. Due to the pandemic and the non-occurrence of the party in
2020, some of these interviews took place through electronic media such as WhatsApp and
electronic mail. Thus, we sought to extract feelings of belonging and local, regional and state
reference that the party proposes to pass on, if these elements conform to the precepts of cultural
heritage and, therefore, if there is any protection mechanism.