
“A funcionalidade do PAIF e suas ações junto as famílias do município de Miracema do Tocantins na perspectiva da atuação do assistente social”

Thismonographdealswiththefunctioning of the Social AssistanceReference Center (CRAS), anagency of theUnified Social Assistance System (SUAS) responsible for implementingthebasicprotectionprovided for in theNationalPolicy for Social Assistancecarried out in theoperation of theProtectionandAssistance...

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Autor principal: Soares, Rogeane Pereira
Grau: Monografia
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2022
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Thismonographdealswiththefunctioning of the Social AssistanceReference Center (CRAS), anagency of theUnified Social Assistance System (SUAS) responsible for implementingthebasicprotectionprovided for in theNationalPolicy for Social Assistancecarried out in theoperation of theProtectionandAssistance Service Integral tothe Family (PAIF). Conductedatthe CRAS in Miracema do Tocantins, thestudyaimedtodescribetheprocess of PAIF as a socio-occupationalspace of the social workerand SUAS agency, in 2019, therefore, beforethepandemicstate in the world wasdecreed. The research, guided by thecritical-dialecticalmethodthatunderliesresearch in social work, isclassified as basic, descriptiveresearch, withdocumentary, bibliographicandparticipantresearch procedures, carried out in thephysicalspace of a specific social protectionprogram for beneficiaryfamilies. of social assistancepolicy. Usingthetechnicalinstruments of participantobservation, interviews andconsultation in officialdocuments of theNationalPolicy for Social AssistanceandtheUnified Social Assistance System, theresearchpresentedthreerelevantresults. It exposesthe connection of the social assistancepolicywiththecapitalist system, a factrevealed in thesocio-historicalprocess of constitution of social policies in Braziland its changesforced by thesocio-politicalcircumstances of bourgeoissociety, marked by conservativecharacteristics, evolvingtodemocratic processes fromthe Federal Constitution de 1988. The study shows that CRAS and PAIF are social protectionbodiesprovided for in theNational Social AssistancePolicyandtheUnified Social Assistance System, withtheiractionsfocused on comprehensivecare for families in sociallyvulnerablesituations, consideringthefamilythe central subject of the network of social assistanceservicesthatguaranteerights. And it presentsthe PAIF as the social worker'ssocio-occupationalspace, wherethe social policy for thedevelopment of familypotentialiscarried out throughthestrengthening of familyandcommunitybonds, withpreventive, protectiveandproactiveactions. Finally, thestudy came totheconclusionthat in Miracema do Tocantins, the PAIF hasnotyetreachedthecapacitytocarry out theguidelinesestablished by SUAS, becomingmuch more a space of greatchallenges for theexercise of guaranteeingthe social rights of beneficiaryfamilies, than a rightsenforcementprogram.