
Uso da IATF na eficiência reprodutiva de bovinos

This report describes the activities developed during the mandatory supervised curricular internship, the last course of Veterinary Medicine at the Federal University of Northern Tocantins. The internship was held from September 14 to November 17, 2021, totaling 345 hours, under the guidance of Prof...

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Autor principal: Lima, Murilo Fernandes de Siqueira
Grau: Relatório
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2022
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This report describes the activities developed during the mandatory supervised curricular internship, the last course of Veterinary Medicine at the Federal University of Northern Tocantins. The internship was held from September 14 to November 17, 2021, totaling 345 hours, under the guidance of Prof. Dr.ª Bruna Alexandrino and supervision of the Veterinarian Gibson Insfran da Silva. The activities were developed in the area of bovine reproduction and mostly focused on the performance of fixed-time artificial insemination protocols, gestational diagnosis by ultrasonography and transrectal palpation, gynecological examinations and planning of the reproductive calendar of several farms located in the northern region of the state of Tocantins, activities of extreme importance for the formation of the future Veterinary Doctor. IATF is an activity that adds numerous advantages to the herds and consequently to the producer, but in this state it is still little explored, and there is a need for its expansion. The report shows all the activities developed under supervision during the internship, using frequency tables and there is also a discussion on reproductive efficiency of cattle, planning of breeding stations and the main factors that interfere in the use of reproductive biotechnologies in commercial herds.