
A perceção das emoções nos memoriais de estágio dos discentes do curso de letras da universidade federal do norte do Tocantins.

When considering the importance of specific knowledge about emotional development and its interference in the teaching-learning process, we verified whether students (future professors) of the Letters course at the Federal University of Northern Tocantins identify such aspects in their analysis o...

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Autor principal: Arruda, Anna Caroliny dos Santos
Grau: Monografia
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2023
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When considering the importance of specific knowledge about emotional development and its interference in the teaching-learning process, we verified whether students (future professors) of the Letters course at the Federal University of Northern Tocantins identify such aspects in their analysis of internship activities. With remote teaching, Internship discipline had to adapt to the scenario due to the Covid-19 pandemic, leading interns to teach classes online for students from Public Schools. In order to carry out the research, fourteen (14) internship memorials were analyzed, but only six (6) were broken down in the research, as they obtained more information. Content analyzes were based on Bardin (2011) and three categories were constructed that refer to self-perception, feelings and the interference of emotions in the teaching1 learning process. These memorials are analyzed in the light of the theories of Piaget (1896/1980), Freire (1921/1997) and Vygotsky (1986/1934). We noticed that the emotional elements are pointed out by the trainees, despite being little thematized.