
Contexto sócio-espacial de escolas públicas da cidade de Araguatins/TO e implicações para os indicadores educacionais.

In this dissertation, we are interested in focusing on the socio-spatial context of some public schools in Araguatins, Tocantins State, seeking to think about the extent to which certain socio-spatial differentiations specific to this context may tend to certain socio- spatial inequalities, with...

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Autor principal: Ferreira, Eneila de Cassia Maia
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2023
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/5536
In this dissertation, we are interested in focusing on the socio-spatial context of some public schools in Araguatins, Tocantins State, seeking to think about the extent to which certain socio-spatial differentiations specific to this context may tend to certain socio- spatial inequalities, with educational indicators as a reflection observatory. We are not losing sight, in this approach, that the school figures as a means of collective consumption in which aspects, such as: infrastructure, equipment and urban-rural services, among others, are revealing for the policy of access and permanence of students in the school context. There are involved material and immaterial relations, producing urbanities and ruralities surrounding the socio-spatial context of the 04 (four) privateschools for analysis, being 02 (two) schools belonging to the municipal network and 02 (two) members of the state network. Of the total set of 22 (twenty-two) schools of the two educational networks, located in the territory of Araguatins, the cut-out for these four schools is based on the character of the regularity of aspects that occurred in the situation of the schools, since the data of all schools were collected and tabulated. However, for this dissertation, we mobilized the data on this clipping. The theoretical contribution to the incursions that we weave, throughout the dissertation, comes, in addition, from the considerations of David Harvey (2006, 2014, 2015) on the perspective of "unequal geographical development". The theoretical dialogue, too, is established from the crossing of the considerations of the following authors: Souza (2009), Andrade and Alves (2014), Santos (1999, 1988), Cavalcanti (2012), Lefebvre (1991) and Katzman (2008). It is, from this perspective, that we are dimensioning, theoretically-aaliically, the issue of socio-spatial differentiations and socio-spatial inequalities surrounding the focused schools, in order to make, for example, the student's belonging to the school. In the wake of Harvey (2006, 2014, 2015), in other words, we can say that the scale of the individual is not coincident with the scale of the city and the rural, also implying a disjunction with the scale of educational policies. From the methodological point of view, we produce thematic maps about the location of schools, subdividing them into: rural area and urban area. We also adopted tables, tables and maps with a view to presenting data on: (1) school infrastructure, (2) geographical trajectory of students, thinking about starting point and point of arrival, (3) educational indicators, also focusing on the Basic Education Development Index (IDEB). These data served as a methodological basis for organizing analytical considerations in three thematic analyses. The qualitative method involved the generation of primary data, based on the availability of these by the public bodies responsible for schools in Araguatins, and secondary data, given the consultations on official federal, state and municipal websites. These data were tabulated and exposed homogeneously, not opening possibility for the personal idenification of the social actors concerned by them. The analyses show that the socio-spatial differentiations of schools, in their urbanities and ruralities, depending on the focused school, are marked by socio- spatial inequalities, which slip into educational indicators. In this game of spatializations, the individual, urban-rural and educational policies are littered by fragmentations.