Divulgação Científica e transposição didática do Emaranhamento Quântico com aplicação no teorema de Bell

We present a didactic transposition in order to fill the gap between scientific outreach and the technical part of a specific topic in Modern and Contemporary Physics (MCP). We use some guidelines from Problem Based Learning in Didactic Transposition. The topic chosen was Bell’s theorem. First, w...

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Autor principal: Araújo , Lídia Cruz de
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: 2023
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/6186
We present a didactic transposition in order to fill the gap between scientific outreach and the technical part of a specific topic in Modern and Contemporary Physics (MCP). We use some guidelines from Problem Based Learning in Didactic Transposition. The topic chosen was Bell’s theorem. First, we talk about an important prerequisite for the theorem, which is entanglement, a quantum property of extreme importance for quantum computation and for teleportation, for example. Entanglement was presented at a level of scientific outreach and with its formal definition as well.We then state, discuss, and prove Bell’s theorem. The demonstration was made from graphical representations of the probabilities involved. In addition to the dissertation, we produced an educational product entitled "Guidelines for the study of Modern and Contemporary Physics", which serves as a pedagogical support for teaching MCP in any high school grade and is available on the internet under the Creative Commons license. The product is divided into three parts, one dedicated to the teacher, another containing a script for the student and, finally, a resolution algorithm related to the quantum entanglement of particles. To analyze the results of its application, qualitative aspects were taken into account in the evaluation of the work produced by the students, as well as the quantitative analysis in the resolution of the algorithm. We use an online questionnaire to analyze the data regarding the application of the educational product. We believe this work can contribute significantly to the dissemination of scientific knowledge in basic education, providing a complement in the training of students in order to raise scientific curiosity in them, seeing in Physics a possibility for their professional career