
Biodireito e bioética - A judicialização da reprodução assistida

The present master's dissertations aimed to analyze the assisted human reproduction (AR), in the substitute maternity modality “surrogate motherhood”, through the phenomenon of judicialization, evaluating the legal situation around the surrogacy procedure. The work was based on a bibliographical-...

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Autor principal: Ribeiro, Denise Brandão Nunes
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2024
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/6636
The present master's dissertations aimed to analyze the assisted human reproduction (AR), in the substitute maternity modality “surrogate motherhood”, through the phenomenon of judicialization, evaluating the legal situation around the surrogacy procedure. The work was based on a bibliographical-documental, jurisprudential and interdisciplinary research, based on the dialogue between biolaw, bioethics and Constitutional Law, where content analyzes were carried out through a qualitative and descriptive approach of the various sources of courts ( STF, STJ and TRF), databases, in a period of ten years, which, when analyzing the universal and equal access to these new technologies of assisted human reproduction, aimed to support the thesis that AR and motherhood should be in the System Health Service (SUS). The scientific production on assisted reproduction and surrogacy, in the period from 2010 to 2020, on the judicialization of health in AR and surrogacy was presented. In the courts, solutions were also identified regarding the establishment of affiliation between those involved and the solutions given to cases of conflict between those involved in the process and the possibility of assistance in the SUS, as a public health policy. At the end, suggestions were presented for solving a problem that has been dragging on for decades in Brazil, which is the absence of a law on AR and surrogacy, more specifically, a law that allows universal and equal access for those it is not able to finance the costs of the surrogacy procedure, also allowing the use of AR techniques, within the scope of the SUS, for heterosexuals, homosexuals and transgenders. Even so, it was proposed to update Ordinance 426/MS, of March 22, 2005, which institutes, within the scope of the SUS, the National Policy for Comprehensive Care in Assisted Human Reproduction, already in accordance with CFM Resolution No. 2283/2020 and the update of Ordinance 3149/MS, of December 28, 2012, which allocates financial resources to health establishments to carry out care procedures for assisted human reproduction, within the scope of the SUS, including the surrogacy technique, also for heterosexuals, homosexuals and transgenders and proposing the expansion of this network of hospitals, with the other states of the Federation having at least 1 (one) state hospital trained in AR techniques free of charge. Regardless of the criticisms and controversies surrounding the surrogacy issue, infertility is a public health problem and denying access to new technologies, and specifically those of high complexity, affects not only human rights, but also reproductive rights and people's fundamental right to family planning. The health system, by not performing its function, which is to guarantee the right to health, ends up bringing a problem to be resolved within the legal system, which needs to decide on the actions for the judicialization of health.