
Um jogo de cartas no ensino de Análise Combinatória e Probabilidade

The present study discusses the use of play activities as a facilitator in the teachinglearning process of Mathematics, in particular, a game of cards as a review activity in the teaching of Combinatorial Analysis and Probability. Activities such as games, challenges and others are fundamental so...

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Autor principal: Laureano, Sidomar Barbosa
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2018
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/886
The present study discusses the use of play activities as a facilitator in the teachinglearning process of Mathematics, in particular, a game of cards as a review activity in the teaching of Combinatorial Analysis and Probability. Activities such as games, challenges and others are fundamental so that the student can learn effectively and satisfactorily some contents of Mathematics, since the taste for this discipline is not unanimous for the students. For this, the use of games activities is an important tool to motivate and assist in the study of this matter. In order to clarify the influence of this mathematical game on the student’s development during the teaching-learning process, in this study we used a game of cards at the Hercília Carvalho da Silva State School, located in the Municipality of Gurupi-TO. This paper reports on the application of a game involving letters that was applied in the second year of high school in a period of two months as a way of demonstrating the potential of playful activity as an innovative methodology of pedagogical actions, seeking more diversified classes to conduct The students involved in this group to a significant learning in the contents of Combinatorial Analysis and Probability. Later, a questionnaire was applied to the group of students, with eleven multiple choice questions, activity (research - questionnaire) was performed on March 14, 2017, during the Mathematics class. From the collected data, it was possible to verify that the application of the card game facilitates the understanding of the students in reference to the Matters of Combinatorial Analysis and Probability, which would not be entirely possible only with theoretical exposition and lists of exercises. The research, regarding the procedures, delineates as a field and data collection. Regarding the objectives, it was based on the descriptive and exploratory study, focusing on identifying the perception that the student has about the content of Combinatorial Analysis and Probability through a game of cards as an activity to review, deepen or motivate the study of these contents.