
Uma sequência didática para o ensino de adição de frações

The present work proposing a Didactic Sequence (DS) with a view to the process of teaching and learning of fractions addition. Considering the set of rational numbers nonnegatives Q+, the nature of the quantities, as well as the different meanings of fraction, we proposed a DS for students of the...

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Autor principal: Pereira, Onésimo Rodrigues
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2018
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/888
The present work proposing a Didactic Sequence (DS) with a view to the process of teaching and learning of fractions addition. Considering the set of rational numbers nonnegatives Q+, the nature of the quantities, as well as the different meanings of fraction, we proposed a DS for students of the 6th year of Elementary School. The elaboration of DS was based on Didactic Engineering (DE) and is composed of 3 phases: Diagnosis, organized in 8 tasks; Experimentation, consisting of 3 Activities, each subdivided into tasks; and Evaluation, which contains 11 tasks. In each phase, the tasks were organized considering degrees of increasing complexity. The DS development proposal precedes the diagnosis, with the purpose of presenting the objectives, methodology and materials in each of the activities; identify procedures about how students solve each of the tasks and possible difficulties in the process and solution. The results of the present study proved to be very fruitful, especially as it places the teacher in the challenge of elaborating activities, thinking about the different perspectives that a given concept contemplates, and the student, the role of an active agent in the learning process. Thus, there is a further methodological possibility for the teaching of addition of fractions.