
Um Olhar Reflexivo sobre a Prática Pedagógica de Docentes da Matemática na Educação Básica de Santarém

In Basic Education, Mathematical science was incorporated as a curricular component and has been considered one of the disciplines less appreciated by the students, may have as causes, the deficient qualification and the pedagogical practice used by teachers in the classroom. In the educational cont...

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Autor principal: COIMBRA, Patrícia Sá Batista
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará 2021
Acesso em linha: https://repositorio.ufopa.edu.br/jspui/handle/123456789/265
In Basic Education, Mathematical science was incorporated as a curricular component and has been considered one of the disciplines less appreciated by the students, may have as causes, the deficient qualification and the pedagogical practice used by teachers in the classroom. In the educational context, is defended the idea of the existence of a strong conceptual correlation between the pedagogical practice and the learning, being the teacher the one responsible for mediate the process of construction of the knowledge for the student. The present work aimed to reflect on the didactic-pedagogical practice of teachers of Mathematics in Basic Education, through the perception of high school students of the public school in Santarém-Pará, using as a tool the Item Response Theory (IRT). Considering that the didactic-pedagogical practice is a latent variable, it is not possible to measure it directly, and it is necessary to use tools to do it. It is proposed to use as a tool the model based on the Item Response Theory, a method that emerged from the field of psychometry, initially proposed by Lord (1952) and currently used in large-scale evaluative processes, such as the Basic Education Assessment System since 1995 and the National High School Examination (NHSE) since 2009. The work was realized with data collection with students of Basic Education, of the public school in Santarém, who evaluated the pedagogical performance of their mathematics teachers. The two parameter model proposed by TIR, which produced tools for the construction of a proficiency scale with pedagogical interpretations. The teacher proficiency scale was divided into three levels of practices carried out by the teachers, where it was possible to prove that teachers who practice the methodologies of level I of the scale, do not plan their classes, stop using methodological technologies that contribute to learning, not perform group work, as well as not foment debate in the classroom and do not seek continuous training, unlike those teachers who have their pedagogical practices classified in level III of the scale. The research, besides exploring and analyzing the data constructed by the large-scale evaluation, exerted the interpretation of these data with variables derived from the characteristics of the schools, of training and performance of the teachers, being verified the influence of these factors in the pedagogical practice of the education professionals in this municipality.