
A CFEM como instrumento para melhoria de Políticas Públicas no município de Itaituba - PA

The state of Pará, which has an incalculable mineral wealth, despite having an important role in national economic development, occupies one of the worst positions in regional development. In light of this problem, to address the mineral potential of the state in the country's economic growth, highl...

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Autor principal: TANAKA, Solange Siqueira da Penha
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará 2021
Acesso em linha: https://repositorio.ufopa.edu.br/jspui/handle/123456789/389
The state of Pará, which has an incalculable mineral wealth, despite having an important role in national economic development, occupies one of the worst positions in regional development. In light of this problem, to address the mineral potential of the state in the country's economic growth, highlighting the incoherence of such wealth does not contribute to the development of the region, is at least "curious" when Article 20, IX, CF / 88, serves as an instrument of collaboration of regional growth, financially compensating the mineral exploitation suffered, since it can be used in the elaboration of public policies in favor of social development. Given this possibility, this study proposes to analyze the factors observed during the period of legalization of the mineral activity, which led to the analysis of the process of regularization of the Mixed Cooperative of Creporizão Development - COMIDEC of the Creporizão Garimpo and of the guiding legal precepts. obstacles to the effective collection of the CFEM in the municipality of Itaituba - Pa, finding that after measures adopted, such as the greater dissemination of the mechanism, the increase in tax collection and the closer relationship between the federative entities, the scenario and the considerable increase in the collection can be observed, realizing that the measures taken by the cooperative to change the scenario, can serve as a parameter to other municipalities, so that the reality of the HDI of the region of Para. At this juncture, an approach was taken to Pará's collaboration in the country's historical economic context and the mining potential still conferred on the state, as well as the precarious condition that afflicts public policies, and how the CFEM can collaborate to change the situation , concluding that the lack of effective compliance with the constitutional norm and the infraconstitutional rules make it propitious for the practice of collecting smaller values than in fact should be and perpetuate the weakness of the condition of life that lives in the society of Pará.