
Linhas e entrelinhas do Plano Nacional do Livro e Leitura - PNLL (2003-2018): uma análise sobre a democratização do acesso à leitura

This dissertation treat reading as public policy and has as basic element of analysis the National Plan for Book and Reading - PNLL. It exposes as initial reflection the following problem: with which purposes the State does bring for PNLL the speech of the access democratization to the reading? Base...

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Autor principal: GOMES, Lidiane Tavares do Nascimento
Grau: Dissertação
Publicado em: UNIFAP – Universidade Federal do Amapá 2022
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.unifap.br:80/jspui/handle/123456789/879
This dissertation treat reading as public policy and has as basic element of analysis the National Plan for Book and Reading - PNLL. It exposes as initial reflection the following problem: with which purposes the State does bring for PNLL the speech of the access democratization to the reading? Based in the theoretical discussions of Bianchetti (1996), Soares (2004), Kleiman (2004), Freire (2005), Bakhtin (2006), Coraggio (1996), Antunes (2018), Mainardes (2006, 2017, 2018), Evangelist (2009), Shiroma, Campos and Garcia (2005), Lima (2004), Krawczyk and Vieira (2008), Croso and Magalhães (2016), Peroni (2018), among others, makes the articulation among the role of the State, the reading conceptions and the democratization as an important present concept in the educational politics, aiming to analyze the conception of democratization for access to reading present in the National Plan for Book and Reading (PNLL) in the context of Capitalist State. This is a bibliographical research (rising of the production of the bibliography concerning the thematic) and documental ruled in national official documents (Law of the Book, Notebook of PNLL, Elaboration Guide and Implementação of the State and Municipal Plans) and of international organisms (La política nacional del libro, Agenda de políticas públicas de lectura, Guía para el diseño de planes nacionales de lectura, Nueva Agenda por el libro e lectura), among others; besides images and slogans turned to the segment book and reading, sources of data interpreted in agreement with Critical Discourse Analysis (ADC) proposed by Norman Fairclough (2008). The investigation pointed important reflections on the form that PNLL is organically aligned with the global logic, to the auspices of the international organisms, especially, when those documents guide for insertion the representatives of the productive chain book in formulation reading policy and, as consequence, they open space for the performance of the market, through the democratic precept of access. Although the Plan comes fulfill the access to the reading with views to the human emancipation, in the capitalist society becomes just a possibility, since it is not executed given the multiple determinations. Therefore, the discourse of the democratization (based on access and participation biases), although makes reference to a democratic project weaves, between the lines, the features of a policy of the Capitalist State.