Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação

A utilização de videoclipes como instrumento para o ensino-aprendizagem nas aulas de língua inglesa no segundo ano do ensino médio de Escola Pública

Despite its growing social circulation and popularity of mass media (television, internet and various mobile electronic devices such as tablets and mobile phones), the video clip genre has not received due attention of linguistic and discursive research, especially in regarding the teaching and le...

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Autor principal: SILVA, Alan Willin Pereira da
Outros Autores: SANTOS, Rayanne Rodrigues dos, SANTOS, Wesley Fernando Marques dos
Grau: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação
Publicado em: UNIFAP – Universidade Federal do Amapá 2022
Acesso em linha:
Despite its growing social circulation and popularity of mass media (television, internet and various mobile electronic devices such as tablets and mobile phones), the video clip genre has not received due attention of linguistic and discursive research, especially in regarding the teaching and learning of languages. Guided by the intention to remedy the omission and seeking to adopt a multisemiotic approach to this object, this article makes use of studies of multiliteracies, textual multimodality of learning strategies and motivation in order to establish a categorization of generic settings of video clips. The objective of this study is to verify the video clip's potential as a teaching and learning tool in English class, we believe that the use of this resource can help to the interactivity of students with activities in the target language, influencing positively on student motivation which, given the disrepute situation of English teaching, end up losing interest in learning. This research assumes that contemporary studies in English language learning strategies have led so there is the quest for learner autonomy. From a theoretical point of view, we are situated in researches of Rojo (2009, 2012, 2013), O'Malley and Chamot (1993), Oxford (1990), Dörnyei (2001a, 2001b, 2009), among other authors who discuss the use of multimodal genres and learning strategies in language classes so that the teacher and student can work together to promote motivation, since learning process personal motivations are connected, aspirations, actions and development that the student goes through to reach your goal in anything it want to learn. To achieve results of this research, we have developed an action research in classes of second grade of high school public school, involving observation of classes, action planning, intervention and observation and, finally, reflect on the results. Some considerations from this research, built with a qualitative and quantitative method, aim for a reflexion about the use of videoclip as a motivacional resource in the english language classes. Meaning this, the analyses of the information involved allows the conclusion that videoclips, for the use combined of visual and hearing, and also being insert in a digital world, can be described as a resource that can be easily accept for the majority of the youth students in classes, and they show a interest for search more about this resource to learn english, as a component of your daily routine, no matter if it's in the school or not, but it can make them capable of learn autonomously.