Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação

Multiletramentos: produção de infográficos hipermidiáticos no ensino médio

This research aimed to develop an action research on the format of a pilot project with the students of 3rd year of Technical High School of the Federal Institute of Amapá in order to work with digital literacy practices, more specifically, hypermidiatic infographics production about the theme preju...

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Autor principal: NÓBREGA, Eloiny Ptra Brasil Lazamé da
Grau: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação
Publicado em: UNIFAP – Universidade Federal do Amapá 2022
Acesso em linha:
This research aimed to develop an action research on the format of a pilot project with the students of 3rd year of Technical High School of the Federal Institute of Amapá in order to work with digital literacy practices, more specifically, hypermidiatic infographics production about the theme prejudice, the Prezi software was used as resource for the students’ production. Methodologically, the work with hypermidiatic infographics genre was applied through digital didactic prototype (ROJO, 2012, 2013, 2016b, 2017). It's justified in the theory of discursive genres of Bakhtin (2003), in the multiliteracies pedagogy of the Group of New London(1996), and in the categories of production proposed by Ribas (2004), in search of articulation with the study of orality teaching objects, reading practices, multimodal/multi-semiotic analysis practices and, in particular, texts production practices. For the analysis clipping, we select to analyze the practice of producing hypermidiatic texts aiming to understand more specifically how the students appropriate the concepts studied during the project and what critical production capacities for multi-semiotic texts are developed by them during this process. The analysis corpus is constituted by three hypermidiatic infographics produced by the groups participating in the research. With the result of the analyzes, we verified that the students effectively appropriate as much of the constituent elements of the discursive hypermedia genre, such as: theme, language style and compositional structure (BAHKTIN, 2003), as one of the categories (RIBAS, 2004) studied, the sequential one. Furthermore, we verified also that the students developed the multiliteracies capabilities expected, so that the Multiliteracies Pedagogy (NLG, 1996) is fundamental in this process.