
Do poder das redes as redes do poder: necropolítica e configurações territoriais sobrepostas do narcotráfico na Metrópole de Belém-PA

Narcotraffic presents itself as a political, economic and cultural problem of the contemporary world, especially considering its impacts on large metropolises, becoming also an urban-regional issue. In this sense, it has configured organizational models defined in territories-networks and territo...

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Autor principal: COUTO, Aiala Colares de Oliveira
Grau: Tese
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2018
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/10461
Narcotraffic presents itself as a political, economic and cultural problem of the contemporary world, especially considering its impacts on large metropolises, becoming also an urban-regional issue. In this sense, it has configured organizational models defined in territories-networks and territories-zones that are demarcated and articulated on the urban space. The definition of the term narcosobreposition, defended in the thesis, deals with the presence of overlapping territories, where narcotraffic, in networks and zones and narcomilices, manifests power technologies that are part of daily life mainly of the inhabitants of the periphery. Thus, the central objective of the thesis is to analyze the overlap of territories in Belém from the power relations of the drug traffic. The city of Belém is among the most violent capitals in Brazil, according to the official data of the Brazilian Forum of Public Security. Located in the Eastern Amazon, the city has become one of the nodes for spatial organization of illegal narcotraffic networks in the region and a potential consumer market for cocaine sales. The empirical view of the thesis conveys terms such as: precariousness, "urban agglomerations of exclusion", narcodisciplin, narcomilitias and narcosobreposition, because the socio-geographical reality of the neighborhoods where narcotraffic exerts influence points to a dynamic of urban conflicts in which death presents itself as a political category of power relations.The literature review, documentary analysis, field work with photographic records, interviews and systematic observations were part of the thesis methodology. Lastly, it is concluded that the territorial divergences from the narcosobreposition have led to the manifestation of a necropower that disciplines the territories and the subjects, resulting in the configuration of the map of the extermination that reaches the vulnerable areas of the periphery of Belém.