
Narcotráfico na metrópole: das redes ilegais à “territorialização perversa” na periferia de Belém

The expansion of the crime organized in global scale, over all, atrelado to the drug trafficking comes in recent years contributing so that the Amazônia is inserted in the logic of organization of the illegal nets. Thus, its geographic localization together to the main cocaine producers and at the s...

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Autor principal: COUTO, Aiala Colares de Oliveira
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2012
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/2692
The expansion of the crime organized in global scale, over all, atrelado to the drug trafficking comes in recent years contributing so that the Amazônia is inserted in the logic of organization of the illegal nets. Thus, its geographic localization together to the main cocaine producers and at the same time its proximity in relation to the markets of the Europe and U.S.A. despertam the interest of the economy of the traffic of drugs. On the other hand, the drug that also crosses the Amazônia supplies the local markets of its metropolises, the example of Belém, where the drug trafficking comes if espacializando and if territorializando in peripheral areas of the city, involving the metropolis in the economic dynamics of the geographic one of the organized crime. Thus, the outlying areas of the Guamá and the Firm Land, accumulated of stocks for the basin of the Tucunduba, are involved for a species of territory-net where the local traffic is associated the nets of the global traffic, and at the same time, in local scale, they coexist the territory-zone presence, where the traffic if closes to command its performance. In this direction, crime comes if expanding in the form of a perverse territorialização, therefore the traffic of drugs imposes its limits for the use force and the logic of the fear as domination strategies.