
Educação literária: desvendando o texto literário no 7º ano do Ensino Fundamental a partir da formação de círculo de leitura em comunidade de leitores

The present work aims to discuss the formation of readers through the literary experience in Circles of Reading with students of the 7th year of a municipal public school in São Luís do Maranhão, through a proposal of pedagogical intervention. The objective is to identify how this practice allows th...

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Autor principal: SOUSA, Andrea Farias
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2019
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/10647
The present work aims to discuss the formation of readers through the literary experience in Circles of Reading with students of the 7th year of a municipal public school in São Luís do Maranhão, through a proposal of pedagogical intervention. The objective is to identify how this practice allows the formation of literary readers inserted in a reading community in which the choice, reading, discussion and analysis of the literary text are developed under the mediation of the teacher through the socialization of impressions, perceptions, connections with other texts and with life. Based on reading comprehension as a cultural practice to be internalized and historicized (BOURDIEU, 1996; CHARTIER, 1998), the theoretical reference is based on the social perspective of reading with a focus on the Community of Readers developed by Stanley Fish (1995) , Roger Chartier (1999), Maria de Lourdes Dionísio (2000), and reading circles proposed by Eliana Yunes (1999, 2009), Harley Daniels (2004), Rildo Cosson (2014) and Luzia de Maria (2016). There are also evidences and methodological procedures of literary reading proposed by Umberto Eco (2001), Antônio Candido (2004), Marisa Lajolo (1993, 2004), Regina Zilberman (1988, 1989, 2008), Luiz Percival Brito Renata Junqueira de Souza and Cyntia Girotto (2011) This is an observational-participant research of a qualitative, descriptive and interventionist nature. The data collection was extracted from the analysis of reading practices in the Reading Circle, in addition to questionnaires applied as preliminary and exploratory evaluation. Results of the analyzes allow us to conclude that, despite the discourses that reinforce the rejection of adolescents by literature, literary texts are provoking a pleasant reading experience when shared with reading communities. It is recorded that literary reading in a circle leads readers to think collectively of the meanings of texts from their own life experiences, so that literature leaves the strictly fantastic sphere to discuss real-life facts: violence, friendship, fidelity , greed, so discussed in Edgar Alan Poe's The Murders on Morgue Street. At the end of the research it is possible to perceive a change of view of the students and of affinities in relation to the conception of Reading and Literature. Therefore, it can be said that a free literary reading experience, shared collectively in Reading Circles and based on a literary education project, is capable of provoking an attitude of politicization and sensitization necessary for the construction of collective transformation actions.