
Custo - aluno - qualidade para escolas do campo da Amazônia tocantina: direito ao acesso e permanência com padrão de qualidade

The study was carried out in four rural schools: quilombola, rural settlement, rural and riverside community, belonging to the municipalities of Abaetetuba, Acará, Cametá and Mocajuba; all of the territory of Baixo Tocantins. Its objective was to map and analyze the basic inputs needed to guarant...

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Autor principal: PEREIRA, Ana Claudia da Silva
Grau: Tese
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2019
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/11910
The study was carried out in four rural schools: quilombola, rural settlement, rural and riverside community, belonging to the municipalities of Abaetetuba, Acará, Cametá and Mocajuba; all of the territory of Baixo Tocantins. Its objective was to map and analyze the basic inputs needed to guarantee / ensure quality education in the rural schools, based on the subjects' speech, aiming at the CAQCampo calculation. To do so, we carried out the survey of the basic inputs needed for the education of the Tocantina Amazonian Field; organizing in categories and showing the distance or proximity of these with the parameters established by the opinion CNE / CED Nº 08/2010 and the references of the CAQi. To obtain the information, collective interviews and focus groups were carried out, with subjects directly involved with the schools, as well as form and observation in locus. The axes of analysis have taken as guiding questions: what basic inputs are needed to guarantee / ensure quality education in rural schools? From the perspective of the field subjects what would be the basic inputs needed for the operation of quality schools? Are these inputs included in the CNE / CED Opinion No. 08/2010 and in the Operational Guidelines for Basic Education in the Field Schools Are there specific inputs in the rural schools? Are they covered in studies of costs of school work? The research carried out the survey of the educational and financial data of the municipalities, of the existing supplies in the schools, of the necessary inputs for a school with a quality standard, of student-spending / year and the calculation of Cost-Student-Quality for the rural schools (CAQ Field). The inputs considered in the survey were: facilities (building and land), staff salaries (teaching and non-teaching staff); consumables; Personnel (teaching and non-teaching), Goods and services, support to the political pedagogical project, food, other inputs and cost in the central administration. For the calculation of student / year expenditure and the CAQCampo of the schools studied, the monetary values of the inputs were added and divided by the number of students attended. The analysis of the collected data revealed that the schools surveyed do not have: furniture, equipment and didactic materials; school transportation equipped and ensuring safety; sufficient school meals and educational and training spaces that go beyond the classroom. The paper presents a range of questions that can explain and compose the possible dimensions and indicators of quality, but which are not generalizable to a larger set of schools. Of course, there are regularities, similarities and aspects that are common and should be considered for schools located in the field. In general, it has been found that the definition of a Cost-Student-Quality in education, especially in rural education, remains a challenge, especially since such a discussion brings to light the complexity, tensions and contradictions of the educational phenomenon in a country marked by inequality. However, our study concluded that it is urgent that the municipal management dialogue with the communities so that together they can plan the best way of access and permanence of the students in the schools of the field. One can no longer implement public policies, such as education, without knowing the reality of where the subjects live. For what works in one particular community may not work in others, given the territorial specificities present in these municipalities.