
Cultura e conhecimento sob a égide dos estudos culturais: um olhar a partir da produção acadêmica brasileira

This research enterprise, develops an analysis about the culture and knowledge, two base categories in the field of cultural studies, with the objective of investigating how they are conceived in the texts published in the WG (work group) of curriculum WG-12 of the National Association of Post-Gradu...

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Autor principal: MENDES, Sandra Karina Barbosa
Grau: Dissertação
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2011
Acesso em linha: http://www.repositorio.ufpa.br:8080/jspui/handle/2011/1636
This research enterprise, develops an analysis about the culture and knowledge, two base categories in the field of cultural studies, with the objective of investigating how they are conceived in the texts published in the WG (work group) of curriculum WG-12 of the National Association of Post-Graduation (ANPEd), in the period from 2000 to 2006. In a derived way, I analyze the thematic emphasis, identified in the group of texts and the methodological thematic approaches realized by its authors, with the objective of obtaining a complete analytical board of the culture and knowledge categories as they are dealt with. As methodological procedures, there are the theorical studies of Raymond Williams, Stuart Hall and Tomaz Tadeu da Silva, authors who are national and international references in the field of cultural studies and the analysis of (16) texts, among posters and complete researches taken from ANPEd site - www.anped.org.br - In the WG of curriculum inserted in the theorical perspectives of cultural studies. Starting from the developed analysis, is possible state that the culture and the knowledge are conceived in these texts as meaning practices. The culture is not the simple transmission of tradition, values, habits and knowledges from generation to generation, but the culture is in the senses and meanings order, therefore, refers to the ways of interpretating and conceiving the world and is built up from the relationships that men and women establish between each other and the social groups. In the same way, the knowledge is built, produced by the culture and knowledge are analyzed in texts that discuss the cultural curriculums, specially the media in its several styles computer, electronic games, TV programs, magazines. The most usual theorical approaches involve authors as Tomaz Tadeu da Silva, the most quoted scholar, Michael Foucault, Homi Bhabha, Stuart Hall, Jean Claude Forquim, Gimeno Sacristan, Henry Giroux. The most used methodological approaches are the speech analysis and the documental analysis. Reflecting about the analysis that the texts develop about the curriculum, I realize two important ways of comprehension. One in which curriculum is conceived as cultural theory/practice, able to produce subjects and subjectivities and other in which there is a differentiation between theorical or official and real curriculum, in this way, the curriculum is conceived as an official document apart from the students daily experience. I observe, two theorical approaches being stressed in the same researching field, the critical and the post-structuralist, that are similar in some aspects and differentiate in others, but in what deals with culture and knowledge categories, it seems that exists an agreement in what refers to the natural relations with the meaning process, production of identities, subjectivities and the statement and production of differences.