
Ensino de História e História Local: (re) construindo identidades locais na sala de aula

The present dissertation that I present to the academic community and the general public, proposes to dialogue with the issues of Riverside Identities and Local History, that contemplate the memories of the Amazonian communities from the classroom. The research took place at the Laurival Cunha schoo...

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Autor principal: BRITO, Igor Alesson Dantas
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2024
Acesso em linha: https://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/16388
The present dissertation that I present to the academic community and the general public, proposes to dialogue with the issues of Riverside Identities and Local History, that contemplate the memories of the Amazonian communities from the classroom. The research took place at the Laurival Cunha school, Ilha das Onças, city of Barcarena - PA, a city located close to the Capital Belém, which has a direct connection in its History with the process of Portuguese colonization in the Amazon and for this reason we propose to problematize the concepts of national identities and how this issue is being worked on in the classroom. From these questions we arrive at the questions: how is local history worked in schools? How to promote students' historical learning using local history, taking into account that the individual's formation perceives different perspectives when developing how local history is worked in schools? How to promote students' historical learning using local history, taking into account that the individual's formation perceives different perspectives when developing in society? What do students and teachers understand by local history? This research is part of the field of action research and is supported by different sources and substantiated by bibliographical research, based on scientific articles, dissertations, theses, books, specialized websites and theorists who have become references in the subjects addressed and in different contexts. , as in the case of the theoretical aspects that the research dialogues with Decolonial Studies QUIJANO 1989, MALDONADO 2008, MIGNOLO 2002 et al; Historical Consciousness RÜSSEN 2201, CERRI 2007; Didactics BERGMANN 1990; and Regional Studies that assume the scope of the research SCHAN, PACHECO and BELTRÃO 2001, HAGE 2013, MEGGERS 1977, among others. For the development of actions at school, we sought support materials that could provide a didactic basis for the application of our proposal that aligns regional experiences with the teaching of history. For data collection we used forms and semi-structured interviews.