
Aplicação da metodologia neoclássica da demanda tudo ou nada como subsídio à cobrança pelo uso dos recursos hídricos

The world-wide problem of water scarcity has been induced many countries to adopt, between other measures, economic instruments to reverse that situation. An example of this kind of instrument is the “water charging”. It is suggested the implementation of this instrument in the State of Pará, where...

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Autor principal: CAMPOS, Catharina Ramos dos Prazeres
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: Portuguese
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2011
Acesso em linha: http://www.repositorio.ufpa.br:8080/jspui/handle/2011/1676
The world-wide problem of water scarcity has been induced many countries to adopt, between other measures, economic instruments to reverse that situation. An example of this kind of instrument is the “water charging”. It is suggested the implementation of this instrument in the State of Pará, where there is still abundance of water resources. Based on bibliography research of international and national experiences on the adoption of this instrument of management and based on economic methods of water charging which were used in Brazil, it is applied the method of “tudo ou nada” demand, on the watershed of the lakes Água Preta e Bolonha, which are the objects of the study, placed on Belém city. Some countries as France and Germany, are well-succeed examples of this implementation. In Brazil, the states of São Paulo and Ceará, due to its great scarcity, were the first states to include the water charging as a priority in their water resources management systems. However, this practice in solving problems only when they are critical, has been very onerous to their economies. The application of the method at the lakes Água Preta e Bolonha was based on a similar application done at the watershed of the Pirapama river, in the state of Pernambuco. As the conclusions of this work, the aplication of the method of “tudo ou nada” demand was possible in regions of abundance of water.