
Escolarização, capital social e participação sócio-política em uma comunidade amazônica: Retiro Grande/Marajó

This work is a study about participation and social e political involvement of the inhabitants of the area of Retiro Grande in the Island of the Marajó, in the Town of de Cachoeira do Arari. This area was chosen by be a locality situated in a region where decrease conditions socio-economics predomin...

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Autor principal: SEMBLANO, Josiane do Socorro Caleja
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2011
Acesso em linha: http://www.repositorio.ufpa.br:8080/jspui/handle/2011/1867
This work is a study about participation and social e political involvement of the inhabitants of the area of Retiro Grande in the Island of the Marajó, in the Town of de Cachoeira do Arari. This area was chosen by be a locality situated in a region where decrease conditions socio-economics predominate, however, where his inhabitants began to be organized for exced the problems and lacks that faced. These actions began with undertakings carried out of form association in the own area and were expanded up to participation in the local public sphere. The objective of this inquiry is going to uncover which the elements that permitted (facilitated) the trials of organization, collective action and political participation between theinhabitants of that locality. Two factors were considered: the education and the capital stock. The questions that guided this inquiry were: which the paper performed by the capital stock in the provoc of the trials of organization and communal commitment in the area of Retiro Grande? Which the influence of the education about the levels of participation and involvement partner of his inhabitants. For it do this first inquiry did itself a revision of the bibliography about the capital stock and education as well as about the Town of Cachoeira do Arari. In the following phase treated of the field work for the obtaining of the facts it will be analyzed. I concluded that the capital stock generated from the factors of cohesion of the community was the fundamental factor for produce the capacity of organization and communal involvement of the inhabitants of Retiro Grande and the development between them of the political and social participation. However the capital stock produced and accumulated was prominent by means of the action of the catholic church in this region, stimulating organization and to finalist of local leaderships. The education did not have prominent paper in these trials, was, to the contrary one, a resultant one of the operation of these factors.