
As representações sociais de universitários de sexualidades LGBT sobre seus processos de escolarização e as implicações em seus projetos de vida

This study aims at discussing and analyzing the social representations of LGBT university students (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual and Transgender) on their educational processes and the implications of this trajetory in their life projects. In order to do this, four people were chosen based on...

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Autor principal: DUARTE, Francisco Ednardo Barroso
Grau: Tese
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2017
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/8380
This study aims at discussing and analyzing the social representations of LGBT university students (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual and Transgender) on their educational processes and the implications of this trajetory in their life projects. In order to do this, four people were chosen based on their specific sexual identities according to the terms of LGBT acronym, i.e. a lesbian woman, a young gay man, a bisexual and a transsexual woman. Initially we situate the LGBT issues in the current scenario as well as their origin and basic characteristics. Then, questions about education, difference and schooling are problematized throughout the study as well as we present specifically the main features of the Social Representation Theory and Queer Theory, and then we try to compare both in terms of theoretical and methodological backgrounds. We firstly intend to comprehend their learning paths dividing them into three stages: basic, secondary and higher formal education, which we call the first, the second and the third schooling process, respectively. Their school trajectories were analyzed from the theoretical and epistemological framework of Social Representation Theory based on Moscovici (2003; 2002) and Jodelet (1989) and methodological theoretical framework of Queer Theory from Butler's studies (2014; 1993). This study can be considered a descriptive, qualitative and interpretative research, and concerning to the research method in use, part of the analytical framework of the Collective Subject Discourse (CSD) proposed by Lefevre and Lefevre (2012; 2005) is taken into account as well as the Queer Theory as methodological framework. As a result, we realize that the analyzed students are consensual by the sharing of images and meanings attributed to school and to their sexual identities, and they also try to reach ways of being legitimised by themselves, looking for in education a significant empowerment as a compensation for the school clashes which surely impacted on their life projects.