
Escolas-família agrícola e agroextrativista do estado do Amapá: práticas e significados

This dissertation has how central aim the analysis of Agroextrativist family School (EFA) in its historic and politic trajectory while initiative of local rural social movement. And its organization by a net to verify the possible contributions to the process of the rural development in Amapá State,...

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Autor principal: NASCIMENTO, Ana Lídia Cardoso do
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2012
Acesso em linha: http://www.repositorio.ufpa.br:8080/jspui/handle/2011/2448
This dissertation has how central aim the analysis of Agroextrativist family School (EFA) in its historic and politic trajectory while initiative of local rural social movement. And its organization by a net to verify the possible contributions to the process of the rural development in Amapá State, with the proposite the regional sustainability, by the case study realized in EFA - Agricultural Family School of Pacui, EFA of Perimetral Norte, EFA of Carvão and EFA of Maracá. All these schools localized in Amapá, at the cities of Macapá, Pedra Branca do Amapari e Mazagão respectively. The teoric axles from this dissertation are the categories: social movements and alternance pedagogy, sustainable development and education for the sustainability. The teorical rewie has the proposite of incorporating the discourse of education for sustainability, and its articulations to the reach of sustainable rural development proposed by the EFAs. Analyze the character of State Function and its perspectives of development thought to Amazon region. The rural familiar agoextrativism in the politic by development of Amapá and its historic evolutions and its difficulties to reach the level of development. The RESEX like tentative of concreting from this politic are analyzed by the teoric concepts face the incorporations necessities of environment, social-economic problems. Study the appropriation of these teoric categories by the social individuals integrants to the proposal detaching the possibilities or not to reach the proposed aims by the EFA among the teoric presupposed about sustainable development and the experiences that are being implemented by the EFA. The dissertation attend yet of the formulation of a teoric board, incasing the teoric considerations made about the thematic and the empiric knowledge ransomed from the speeches and the observations realized with the aim to indicate the possibilities of education practice implementation to the sustainability from the analysis of the conceptions showed by social individuals involved, elaborating this way a characterization of education developed by these schools and the impediments of institutional relation with the public power whereas mechanism of politic articulation from the insertion this rural social movement. The research that gives support for this dissertation was developed between august, 2003 and may and June, 2004, including raising and systematization of bibliographic and document information and yet the realization of interviews next to the monitors, students, coordinator, parents of students, leadership and pedagogic assistance of the EFA.