
Políticas públicas de educação para assentados da Reforma Agrária: o caso do PRONERA Saúde na Transamazônica

The actions provided by the Health‟s Communitary Agents (known as ACS‟s) are recognized in their relevance in brazilian legislation known as Law 10.507 from the 10th of July, 2002, which creates the given profession and gives other measures, later replaced by the Law 11.350, from october the 5th, 20...

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Autor principal: RICKMANN NETO, Nicolau
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2012
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/2899
The actions provided by the Health‟s Communitary Agents (known as ACS‟s) are recognized in their relevance in brazilian legislation known as Law 10.507 from the 10th of July, 2002, which creates the given profession and gives other measures, later replaced by the Law 11.350, from october the 5th, 2006. However, the history of these agents goes back to quite older periods such as the creation of Health‟s Communitary Agents Program (in portuguese, known as PACS), in 1991, considered as the very beginning of ACS‟s professionalization. Therefore, the National Program of Education in Agrarian Reform (PRONERA, in Brazil) comes to contribute in Health‟s Communitary Technician Agents (TACS‟s). In a concise way, PRONERA emerges as Educational Public Policy, in 2009, when it also gains substance in article 33 from Law 11.947/09 and in the end of 2010, when takes place the signature of Order n. 7.352/10, which talks about education in the fields and formaly establishes PRONERA into the Ministry of Agrarian Development (MDA). This way, PRONERA composes the Policy of Education in Fields and at the same time features as Educational Public Policy linked to Agrarian Reform. PRONERA is a Program from Federal Government, through the Ministry of Agrarian Development, coordenated by National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA) in accord with the Public Universities, partners with Social Mouvements and state and municipal government agents. It offers courses in basic education, technician and technological, college studies and postgraduation. Our object is the analysis of the Project “Health in mouvement in Transamazônica: Integrated Education Course in Health‟s Communitary Technician Agent (TACS‟s) and Highschool”, therefore, in PRONERA Health, which is only one of the projects in Pará, and takes place in Altamira Senador José Porfiírio, Medicilândia, Anapú and Pacajá. The course was formulated and approved in 2005 and began in 2006, being finished in july, 2011. It began with 90 students, all ACS‟s from partner city halls. Those students were chosen by PRONERA‟s technical team, based on local social mouvements indications, mainly those from the Rural Workers Syndicate. We used the Activities‟ Reports from PRONERA Health in this research as much as interviews with the students. The theorical and methodological perspectives of analysis of sources to dissertative construction took place based on Marx‟s critical theory and in lectures and contributions from Critical Environmental Education. The relation among health, environment and public policies is present the whole research and allows a fundamental interaction for the pursuit of quality of life for these social agentes.